
He puts the phone on his bedside table and goes to sleep.






And it's not just any screaming.

It's hers.

He wants to move to where her screams are coming from. He wants to help. He wants to call out "Where are you?"

But he can't.

So he just lies there, useless, listening to her sounds of pain.

There's a chuckle. And then a voice. A voice he doesn't recognize.

"You'll be sorry."


"No!" Taro yells, drenched in cold sweat. He sits up on the side of his bed, looking for his phone.

He checks his phone, and it's only 5:30. He doesn't want to go back to sleep, ever, after hearing his Kohai scream. Who was the one that chuckled? The one that said, "You'll be sorry,"?

The shower is running. Hanakō's already up.

Taro gets a towel and his uniform from the closet and waits until the shower stops running.

His thoughts run through his head.

That voice, it couldn't be Osano's. It was a bit too deep. And he knows that he wouldn't do such a thing to her. Who could it possibly be? Was it just a nightmare? Even it was one, he would still kill whoever tortured her.

The shower stopped running and Taro went down the hallway to the restroom, carrying his towel and his uniform. Plus all these thoughts in his head.

He knocks on the door and Hanakō comes out, dressed in his school uniform- a grey sweater vest with his school logo on top, a white shirt underneath, a black and white tie, and black trousers. He has his usual heart shaped pin on.

Taro steps into the bathroom and undresses, getting into the shower. He lets the lukewarm water splash over him. Again, those thoughts came back to him. Was it someone else who was torturing his Kohai? Was it someone at the school?

Anger pulsed through him. Who would torture his Kohai?

In a fit of furiousness, he screams and punches the shower wall. He immediately regrets it after. He yells and holds his fist. It only makes him angrier.

He grits his teeth. There's a knock on the door.

"Is everything okay? Are you hurt? I heard a yelp."

"Nothing's wrong, Hanakō. Something just fell and hit my foot," he lies.

Taro turns the showerhead off and dries himself off. He puts on his school uniform quickly.

He goes back to his room and packs his books and his phone.

"Hanakō!" Taro calls, going down the stairs with his school bag. "What time did you have to at your school again?"

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