Chapter 10

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Faith POV: 

I sit in the hospital room, watching them prep him. They remove his neck brace, and the pads around his legs that keep a blood clot from forming. We still have a few hours until they take him off, so Betty swears I should get more sleep. I don't want to, though. I know it'll just end up with me dreaming about him again... 

But I do anyways. 

This dream is starting a little faster than the others. Tim is simply standing in front of a couple that sits on a couch, singing and playing guitar. It only takes me a few minutes to realize that it's us, but older. 

"This is the best case scenario." Tim lets out, somehow knowing I'm here. "I've watched almost every scenario that is likely, and this is the best case." He rambles slightly. He crosses his arms in front of him and leans against the doorway into what looks like an in-home studio. The older-version of Tim holds the guitar, while I, with remarkably tan, clear skin and blonde hair, sing, which is weird because I rarely sing in front of Tim, but he always sings in front of me. 

"It's not right. It's not fair.... what you're missing over there. Someday I'll find a way to show you, just how lucky I am to know you... Ooh, I love the way you, love the way you love me... There's nowhere else I'd rather be..." I sing, repeating a chorus. He smiles back at me, seeming almost high off of me. He puts down the guitar while I scribble something down on the sheet of lyrics. He crawls onto the couch, before tickling my sides, leading me to drop the pad of paper and curl up on the couch, cackling while trying to push his hands away. He comes over me and kisses me, as I try to catch my breath from laughing. We kiss for a while before something clicks. He lets out a hum, as if something were hitting just right. I reach for his belt, while he reaches up my brown pencil skirt. 

"I have about ten minutes before I have to head out." I mumble, letting out a laugh as he pulls down my underwear with a sense of urgency. He kisses me once more. 

"Ten minutes is all I need." He responds, kissing me again, all smiles. We get into it, seeming insanely comfortable with it, appearing like we are probably married. I wrap my arms around his head, running my fingers through his hair. 

"I was thinking about maybe doing a duet on this new album." I let out, seeming like I'm in a million places at once. 

"Yeah?" He replies, clearly not listening. His lips lock onto my collarbone, making my eyelids flutter a bit. 

"Yeah. I was thinking maybe you could do some vocals on it, since you wrote it." I begin, making him laugh. He props himself up to look into my eyes, stopping for a second. He runs his fingers through my hair, moving it back off my face. 

"What on earth do I have to do to keep you focused on one thing at a time?" He asks, smiling at me. I break a wider smile, and lean up to kiss him. I think for a moment, before biting my lip. 

"You have to keep me entertained." I let out, with a laugh, while he starts back up again. 

"Oh do I?" He replies. 

"Mhm hm." I challenge. "If you want me to shut up, you have to keep my busy." 

"Challenge accepted." He says, making me laugh once more, as he kisses my neck. His hands run under me, scooping up under my shoulder blades , before his fingers grip onto my shoulders. I can tell by the look in my eyes that I'm happy, and content. 

"You're a singer, I'm a songwriter." My-Tim lets out, as it seems to fast forward to a few days later. "I think at this point, we've been married nearly fifteen years." He informs me, stunning me a bit. We're still in love after that much time... 

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