Justin knelt in front of me and held my hands in his, making me look him in the eye. "Choose the family who's always been there, comforted you, cared for you, loved you and still love you. Choose the people who has always had your back and will support you no matter what."

Another tear fell onto my cheek as I watch him, sniffling a bit. "You're right... My home... I'm just running away and I don't want to run away anymore. I'm through running." I murmur lightly, standing up and started to head over to the front door just as someone knocked at it.

I open it to reveal Leo standing on the porch. "Des, you're coming home, and I'm not-" Leo started as I hugged him tightly.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying. Besides, my best friend needs me to clean up his messes." I interrupt the boy after pulling away from the hug, smiling which made Leo grin. "Come on, let's go. See you later, Justin, and thank you." I tell my brother the last part as he nodded with a small smile.


"Adam, stop!" Chase told his brother as Adam carried him on his shoulder into the room.

Adam let out a sigh and replied, "I told you, my weight set broke and I need you to be my barbell. And please, don't scream this time. It's distracting."

I laugh in amusement while I sat on one of the stools at the counter, watching the two brothers. Donald walked into the house as Douglas stepped over to us, too. "Adam, put him down. That's how people get hurt." Donald said.

"Hmm, good point. I should probably stretch first." Adam agreed, throwing Chase down and walked away. Chase grunted in pain as I walked over to the boy and helped him up. I look over at Douglas and back at Donald and Chase.

"Man, I'm so tired of him. So far this week I've been his weight set, his football, and his jump rope." Chase pointed out.

"On the bright side, you've never looked more fit." I remarked with a cheeky grin as Donald nodded in agreement with me, happy to see me back here.

"I'm serious. He's always using his strength to make my life miserable." Chase commented.

"Why don't you get even?" Douglas and I both asked in unison, glancing at one another and then at Chase.

"How? None of my abilities can compete with his strength." Chase answered. "And it's hard to torture him with brain teasers when he doesn't have a brain."

"Maybe I can unlock a new ability." Douglas and I suggested in unison, looking at one another again, "Okay, we need to stop that." We both held up our hands in the air and back down to our sides.

"Yes! Let's do it." Chase said.

"No, let's not. Absolutely finito. Forget it." Donald replied as the three of us stepped over to Douglas who was now standing between his brother and myself.

"Why not?" Douglas and I ask at the same time again, looking at one another unamused.

"Because I said so." Donald answered, "You live under my roof, you play by my rules. End of discussion."

"I don't live under your roof." I cheekily remark as Donald looked at me. I hold my hands up in slight surrender. He quickly walked up the stairs.

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