Chapter 22

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Cameron POV:

I came up to meet him, and told him I was sorry.

Coming back as we are, it was hard.

Nobody said it was easy, but it's such a shame we had to part.

No one ever said it would be this hard.

But we went back to the start.

The time that I had shared at Princeton Plainsboro was a time in my life I would never forget.

So much happened in the six years I had been there.

Chase, Foreman, House, the hospital, and all the other doctors.

Those were all great years, and to this day, I don't regret one moment.

The doctors at my new hospital had been impressed by all I knew.

That's because House had taught me so much.

I didn't realize it much at the time.

There are moments like that, that are presented to us in life.

We just don't know how much someone can really make a difference.

Until, the really made that difference.

At work that day, all these things came to my mind.

I was at my desk, and I pulled up a photo.

The old tea, meaning, it was all us.

Me, Chase, Foreman, and House.

I smiled as I looked at how happy we all really were.

Chase and I especially.

We started happy, and we ended happy.

I was still thankful that Chase and I ended on good terms.

If not, I have no clue what I would do.

I would still reminisce our moments, especially, when we first got together.

From the moment we walked out of the hospital lobby in the snow on Valentine's.

And, the moment I walked up to his doorstep to tell him I didn't feel like waiting

All the way to the moment I held him close for the last time.

I still remember Jasper, the boy who bit Chase's hand and spoiled our date.

The flowers that he gave me that were "not stolen."

The time that we got our Valentine's mixed up with Taub.

The moment that the sink water went wild splashing over us.

When we saw that cat in the patient's bedroom.

Going into the lab rooms to check the patient's diagnosis.

But most of all, It was Tuesday,

The day he would remind me that he wanted us to be together.

Every Tuesday, still to this very day, I would still say.

"It's Tuesday! I like you."

THE END.....

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