Chapter 3

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Cameron POV:

Dibala told me to just inject that IV with an air bubble, so he could have another heart attack.

"No one will know. You tell my colonel I'm a sick dying old man who can't be trusted"

I stood there confused.

"You were trying to put a gun in his hand and point it at my head."

He wanted me to kill him, didn't he...

"The gun is now in your hand, that is a practical difference, not a moral one..."

"f you want me dead, then pull the trigger. It is not so easy when you have to do it yourself."

My coincidence was talking.

"I guess I didn't want you dead" I replied.

All I had done was inject the intravenous line, but there was only medication.


Chase got furious as a stood at the corner of the patient's room.

"She's too weak to act on her own beliefs" Dibala said.

I did hear this, and I was not happy.

This was one of the most toughest moments in my medical career.

But things did get worse...

Dibala's oxygen saturation had dropped.

We found a dozens of bleeds in his lungs, so we cauterized it.

We all tried to defibrillate him, but we couldn't get his heart to start again.

There was no evidence if the patient was dead or not because he had switched medications.

But then later that night, we just knew he was gone.

Dibala had passed away that night.

We tried to save him as he was covered in blood.

But, it was too late.

Chase told me he would meet me at home later, after he spoke with Foreman.

I decided to just give him his space and go off home.

Since it had been a long night, I just went to bed, and feel asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, he wasn't there.

Usually I could tell when Chase was next to me.

But to me, to have that person there is the most important thing.

Chase was now like my shadow.

If I didn't spot him next to me, my shadow was incomplete.

But to have him there beside me, meant a lot.

Last night was a rough night.

When a doctor loses a patient, it is the hardest thing for a doctor to have to endure.

There are moments that are painful and

Willinging, I managed to get up and go to the hospital.

Then, I saw Chase in the hallway with Foreman.

He was here, and he told me he did actually home last night.

I guess I was that tired and didn't notice.

Take Me Back to the Start (Part 3 of It's Tuesday)Where stories live. Discover now