Chapter 20

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Cameron POV:

I wasn't at the door to leave

Instead, I made sure the door was completely shut.

That was the last time I would ever hold him close.

The very last time...

Chase realized what I had meant.

I didn't even have to say a single word.

He rushed over to me and embraced the moment that was left.

The ship sunk, but it sunk on good terms.

The last really moment I would ever really have with Robert Chase.

The guards began to rattle the door handle of the room.

We were both still in there.

"Hello? Is anyone in there? The lockdown has been completed."

I had cuddled up to Chase, with my arm onto his chest.

My head was on his shoulder as his arm was around me.

His other arm was beneath his head.

I let out a deep breath and laughed.

The fact that I laughed, did mean I felt a little bit better.

"I guess I should go" I told him.

Without that lockdown, we wouldn't of had that last moment.

I'm surprised he never noticed the cut on my leg, or anything else.

Meaning that it all healed.

Just like the healing that took place in our relationship.

We didn't fight or argue no more, ever again.

The moment where things ended well.

The last was the last.

It was sad to let go, but sometimes, it has to happen.

I drove back to Jen's house that night.

The streets felt as if they were abandoned, because it was already so late.

The drive was not bad, for the fact I felt better.

I parked onto the driveway carefully as well.

"So how did it go?" She asked.

I walked into the house, taking a deep breath.

Grabbing the papers out of my purse, she saw the signature.

Then, she knew what had happened.

"Oh Alison" She came and gave me a hug.

Letting her do so, I hugged her back.

She knew I was hurting.

Who didn't?

I was never really over that divorce until months later...

Take Me Back to the Start (Part 3 of It's Tuesday)Where stories live. Discover now