Chapter 41

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With Adam at Carrie's parents, the two of them took the opportunity to explore their new property. They bought over 30 more acres of land behind their house.

"Ready sweetheart?"

"Yep just let me grab my bag."

She walked back in the garage, slinging her backpack on her shoulders. The backpack was packed mostly with food and water, but she had other stuff in there like bug spray.

"Do you have your gun? I have mine."

Harrison was in the process of starting the four wheeler. Once he got it started he answered, "yes," patting his side where his pistol sat in its holster.


Carrie patted her own pistol, making sure it was secure in her own holster. The guns were only for self defense. Summer was rolling around and that meant black bears were coming out of hibernation. Very hungry black bears.

The abundance of black bears in the Dallas area had been expanding for a few years now. They had seen a few around the house at night before Adam was born.

Even though her or Harrison hadn't seen one in two years, she still carried her gun with her taking Adam for walks in the woods. And they lived far enough from the nearest neighbor that carrying a loaded gun around in the woods wasn't posing a threat to anyone but a bear.

Taking one last look in the garage, she closed it, joining Harrison on the four wheeler. "You sure you're ready?"

She sat behind him. "I wasn't the one taking a million years to get the four wheeler started."

"We haven't ran it in a while."

Kissing his cheek gently, she whispered, "well no shit captain obvious, now let's go."

He playfully rolled his eyes, putting the wheeler in first gear. As they began to move, she put her arms around him and rested her chin on his shoulder. The wind felt really good on her face. She hadn't gone on a four wheeler ride with him in a long time.

It was only a few minutes before they were in the new property. There were a lot of logs, some they could go over, and some she made Harrison move out of their way. "Hurry up!" She shouted as he struggled to move a larger log from the path.

"I'm trying! It's not exactly very light sweetheart!"

He moved it a little bit more. "A little help would be appreciated!"

"Nah you could use the exercise."

He laughed before throwing the log out of the way. Getting back on the four wheeler, he pressed a kiss to her lips. "Come on, we're running out of daylight!"

"Can you stop it?" He giggled.

Carrie returned the smile. "Nope. I love fighting like this with you."

Harrison turned around. "That's because you always win."

"Well you're not wrong."

They kept going further into the new property. Carrie was surprised at how many small streams flowed through. Going through one, she was happy to see small fish.

There were so many trees as well. As they rode by, she tried to name all the different species of trees she saw but there were just too many to count.



Harrison pointed at a giant mud hole directly in their path. And there was no way they could go around. There was a small cliff up ahead with two trees marking where the path continued forward. But with the mud, they might not get the four wheeler through.

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