Chapter 19

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Carrie stretched as she stood up. Today was Harrison's last game of the 2007-08 season. He'd been nominated for his second pro bowl in 2 years.

They played their last game against the Saints at home. It was already determined that the Cowboys weren't going to make the playoffs this year, but the Cowboys and Saints had a bit of a rivalry.

Earlier this season, one of the Saints defenders took a cheap shot at Tony Romo. The cheap shot cost Tony Romo a broken shoulder and in turn, he was out for the rest of the season. In retaliation, one of the Cowboys defenders took a cheap shot at rising star Drew Brees.

It made Carrie nervous whenever they played the Saints, for somebody would act out and take a cheap shot. She couldn't shake the thought of Harrison potentially receiving the hit in another retaliation.

Making her way downstairs, Carrie made him an early lunch. She still couldn't shake the thought of him potentially getting hurt over a feud.

"Morning sweetheart," she heard from behind her.

"Morning Harry."

He put his hands on her waist and kissed her cheek before getting himself a drink. "Whatcha making?"

"More pasta."

Harrison grinned, sitting across from her. "I know you like your pasta before games."

"Oh I do."

Chance came bolting over, licking Carrie's leg before sitting and begging for food. He tilted his head just a bit, and Carrie's heart melted at the sight of his face.

She playfully rolled her eyes, tossing him a meatball. "Will you give me everything I ask for if I look at you like that?"

Looking up, she shook her head, trying to hide a smile. "In your dreams." Harrison smirked as she pushed a bowl of pasta across the counter to him.

They both finished the pasta quickly, leaving their bowls on the floor for Chance to finish. He happily trotted over, licking the bowls until they were spotless.

Harrison came downstairs, in a dark blue colored suit and a white tie. His hair was plastered to one side. Before he could go, she fixed it, parting it back to its normal style.

Running her hands down his cheek, she felt the light stubble of a beard coming on. "Should I let it grow out?" He asked.

"I don't care," she giggled, kissing him.


Carrie sat outside the box as the 4th quarter began. They'd made it through 3 quarters without any intentional hits.

But that was about to change. Carrie watched as one of the Saints offensive lineman started getting in one of their defenders face. Harrison intervened, pushing both men away.

The 4th quarter went by so slowly. Carrie was very nervous that something would happen to one of the Cowboys. In the last minute of the game, the same offensive lineman drew a flag for pushing one of their defenders.

She watched Harrison intervened again, stopping his teammate from starting a fight. Then the lineman put a finger in Harrison's face while he simply held out his hands.

The teams set up for another snap. The Cowboys were up 14 and the Saints were at their own 40-yard line. There was a flag, and the very same lineman got called for a false start.

From what it looked like, the lineman began to bark at the Cowboys defense. She could see Harrison roll his head back as the lineman went back to the huddle.

There was 7 seconds on the clock, most likely making it the last play of the game. The teams set up at the line as the ball snapped. Harrison dropped back into coverage.

Guarding the receiver nearest to him, Harrison jumped up as the ball was thrown. Carrie could see the quarterback Drew Brees on the turf, meaning only one thing, it was a forced pass.

As his feet hit the turf, he was greeted by a receiver, hitting his upper body very hard. There was a loud crash, followed by Harrison falling to the ground.

Carrie's heart lurched to her chest at the sight of him laying there. The referee threw a flag, calling the Saints player for leading with the helmet and hitting a defenseless player. The penalty would have no merit since the clock already hit 0.

She stood up, making her way to the balcony railing as the trainers came out. He still hadn't moved from his position face down on the turf. Spinning around, Carrie bolted out of the box, tears beginning to fall down her cheeks.

Reaching the elevator, she didn't dare to look at the small tv that was still broadcasting the game. Holding her face in her hands, Carrie tried to get herself together to no avail. Tears fell uncontrollably as she heard the words, "still unresponsive."

The elevator took her down to the clubhouse level, where she showed security her pass before bolting to the trainers room. "Where is he?" She asked the nearest person.

"They were taking him that way," the medic answered.

Carrie took off down the long hallway. Somebody began to yell at her to stop running, but once they found out who she was, the yell faltered away.

She came to a screeching stop as an ambulance backed to the open doors. Carrie waited next to the paramedics as they brought him to the ambulance. She had to look away at the sight of him on a stretcher.

One of the paramedics helped her into the ambulance as the lifted him in. "Is he okay," she begged the nearest medic.

"He has a stable pulse but he is still unconscious," the medic answered, opening a folding chair for her to sit by him.

"Harrison... please be okay," she whispered, more tears dotting her vision.

She laid her head on his arm, taking his hand in hers. "Please be okay," she repeated. "I can't lose you Harry. I love you so much, you're everything to me."

The ambulance started to go, Carrie holding his hand the entire ride. "Please Harry. Come back to me."

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