Chapter 2

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Carrie came in the house with a huge smile on her face, holding the rose. "How'd it go?" Her mom asked, looking up from the book she was reading. "It looks like it went well."

"It went really well mom!" She exclaimed.

"Where'd he take you?"

"We went to the new restaurant a few minutes away. I forget what it was called, but it was really nice."

Debbie smiled. "That's great sweetie!" Gesturing for her to sit down, she said, "tell me about the whole thing."

Carrie told her mom about dinner, him giving her the rose and asking her out. "What's that big smile about?" Debbie asked.

"I kissed him mom!"

Debbie's hands shot to her mouth. "You did!?"

Carrie nodded. "Yes!"

"My little girl's growing up so fast!" Carrie's mom hugged her tightly.

"Mom, it wasn't my first kiss!"

"But with that smile, it was something special!"

"You're right. When I kissed him, I'd never experienced a kiss like that before. It felt so right, like we're meant to be together."

"My little girl's falling in love!"

Carrie hugged her again.


Harrison came in the house, a huge smile on his face. "Did you ask her out?" His brother's voice came from the living room.

"Yeah Terrance."

Terrance came in the kitchen, tilting his head a bit as he saw the smile on his brothers face. "I'm guessing she said yes."

"She did."

"Harrison honey, how was your date?"

He turned to his mom. "It was great mom."

His phone beeped in his pocket. Harrison pulled it out, seeing it was a message from Carrie asking him if he'd like to come over for dinner tomorrow. He answered with 'of course'.

"I'd like to meet this Carrie," Harrison's dad said, opening the fridge.

"You'll love her dad. She's amazing."

"She's a nice girl Chris," his mom added.

Harrison sat down at the kitchen table, answering Carrie. His dad sat down across from him and asked him about their evening. Harrison told him about their date. "I'm in love with her dad."

He smiled. "Tell me about her."


The next day, after football practice, Harrison drove over to her house. Getting out of his truck, the scent of steak hung in the air. Smiling, he ran up to the door.

"Hello Mr. Fisher," he said as he dad opened the door.

"Hi Harrison."

Carrie's dad gestured for him to enter. He did, going right into the kitchen to find Carrie cutting a steak. "You made steak!?"

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