Chapter 9

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Carrie dragged him out on the dance floor. "Come on!"

"I'm not good at dancing!"

Slowing her pace to walk beside him, she whispered, "I don't have a problem finding someone else who'd like to dance."

"Not gonna happen sweetheart. You're mine." And with that, he was now dragging her out to the dance floor.

Her face reddened when they made it out onto the floor, everyone clapping for them. They were of course, the homecoming king and queen.

They waved, making their way to the back where they couldn't be seen as much. "So, uh, how do you do this again?"

"Don't worry, I'll show you."

They danced for what seemed like eternity. Carrie showed him all the steps and they did pretty good. Even with her stepping on his feet a few times, Harrison did great. There was only one time he zoned out, and that was when she was explaining eye and head movements. She looked so beautiful in that blue dress, with her hair all tied up in a fancy bun.

Once Marilou and Mark arrived, the two couples had a dance off with each other. Carrie and Harrison kicked butt, only making a few minor errors.

"I thought you couldn't dance?" Mark asked him.

"I couldn't, until today."

Mark just laughed.

The girls found a table while the guys went and got food. "Where's Julia?" Carrie asked, sliding over another chair.

"She said she was coming later," answered Marilou. "With her new boyfriend."

"Do you know who he is?"

"Nope, all I know is he's new here."

The guys came back with punch and a few donuts. "Why did you get the punch!?" The girls asked in unison.

Mark and Harrison looked at each other. "What do you mean 'why did you get the punch?'"

"Have you ever had the punch here?" Carrie asked.

"It's usually spiked every year," Marilou added.

"It didn't taste too bad when I tried it," Harrison protested.

Carrie held her face in her hands. The punch spiking was an annual thing every year. In fact, there were predictions going around of who would be the one to spike it.

"Go get water."

"But Carrie it's not even that ba-" he paused, seeing the look on her face. "Fine."

Harrison came back with water a few minutes later. They would learn later, that yes the punch was spiked. "Good call sweetheart."

She winked as Julia walked up to their table. Julia's smiled stretched beyond her ears. "Hey guys."

They all said hello. Carrie saw the guy her best friend was holding hands with. He looked like a nice guy. She had talked to him once in anatomy class, now that she remembered.

"This is Connor," Julia said. "He just moved here from Oklahoma."

Julia sat down next to Carrie. "Connor these are my best friends Carrie and Marilou. And their boyfriends Harrison and Mark."

"How long have you guys been together?" He asked Harrison and Carrie.

"Two and a half months."

"And you guys?"

"Seven," Mark answered.

The boys talked all about football while Carrie asked Julia how she met him. "We have a few classes together, then he came up to me and asked."

"He's kinda cute."

"I know. I wasn't going to say no to that."

During that hour, Harrison kept hitting her leg. Carrie knew he wanted to leave. Taking his hand under the table, she traced the number 5 in his palm.

"So Harrison, aren't you going to get drafted?" Connor asked.

"Most likely."

"That's really cool man. Any special interests?"

"Dallas or Houston," he answered. "They're not too far from home."

When the five minutes were up, Carrie announced that they were leaving. "Why so early?" Marilou asked.

"He's taking me hunting tomorrow morning," she answered. "And we're both tired from the last two days."

Saying goodbye to everyone, he took her hand and led her out to the parking lot. Finally finding his truck after a few tries, he lifted her into the passengers seat. "You ready?"


Harrison came around the other side, starting the truck. Before they pulled out, he leaned over and kissed her. "Love you."

"Love you too."

Sorry this was so short. Well I started the other book and the prologue's out!

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