Letting Go, Yeah Right

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Jackie's POV :

After that odd break out at the studio everybody had heard apparently since they didn't mute our conversation, so whenever I mention Cody it becomes an awkward silence.

Anyways that was 16 days ago.

I've come to a conclusion to this

: I love Cody, I love Jaden.

That's all I got so far. I'm not even joking. I cried myself to sleep various times imagining my life with and without one of them, not the best solution.

Okay anyways tomorrow is my big red carpet 'extravaganza' yeah The Last Song is being premiered tomorrow and a bunch of celebs will be there, and paparazzi, and fans <3

I'm pretty excited except for the fact that Jaden will be there, and I'm 99% sure it have to take pictures with him.

Yay, note the sarcasm?

"Jackie have you pulled out your dress?" Justin shouts coming into my room with Pattie.

"Yeah, it's right there" I say pointing at the beautiful blue dress hanging on my wall covered with a plastic cover so that no stains can occur

"Oh it's so beautiful," Pattie cooes

Pattie sits down next to me on the bed meanwhile Justin sits in my chair by my desk.

"Hair and Makeup will be here at 1 pm, and be finishing around 3 pm then we have to get going around 4 pm so that we walk on the red carpet 5 pm sharp" Pattie says

I nod eating my chocolate.

"Alright then you should get some sleep, it's almost 10 pm. Oh, Cody is going isn't he?" Pattie asks getting up

I nod "Yup" I say popping the 'p'

"Alright sweetie, goodnight" Pattie says walking out

Justin stares at me "What's up?" I ask

"Have you written any music lately?" He asks

I think before nodding, I knew I had but I wasn't so sure of it appearing on my album.

"Can I see it?" He asks

I open the drawer on my night stand and take out my Music Journal. I walk over to him and give it to him.

He opens it up and reads the two songs I had written last week, and a few days ago the other.

"Why didn't you tell me Jackie?, these are great" he says continuing to read

"I don't know if I want them on the album, don't they seem to sad?" I ask

"Jackie people don't care if it's sad, they want the music to speak to them, these well- they speak. It tells you about your previous relationship and your relationship now" he says

I had written two songs since my break out.

"Almost Is Never Enough" & "Better Left Unsaid"

"You only need," he starts doing some weird thing with his eyebrows mouthing who knows what "2 more songs, 4 is the limit"

Ahhh, he was counting in his head.

I nod "I'll probably end up doing 2 or 3 I doubt I can write 4 songs in less than 4 months" since the album is due in July so it can start selling in August, but if I finish earlier if can be released earlier too.

"Well I'll let you get some rest, tomorrow's a big day" he says getting up handing me my journal.

Before he walks out he turns to look at me "Jackie, if you ever need anybody to talk too, I am your dad. I may not be a girl to be able to understand you, but I'll always be there for you baby"

I smile "Thanks dad, that means a lot"

He smiles and walks out leaving the door closed behind him.

I stare at the ceiling for awhile and then turn off the nights.

God please let tomorrow go well.


Super short but I have a good excuse, next chap is going to be extra long 🙈😘

Tell me something about yourself ❤️

I've been adopted by Justin BieberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz