Take It Out On Me (Steve x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"That's exactly what you should have done!" He throws down his mask and slams his shield into your hands so hard you stumble backwards,"I don't love you, I never did."

"Don't come after me y/n." His words burned into your heart and all you could do was watch as he walked away.


The days pass and Fury sets up a search team to trace Captain America, but you know more than anyone if Steve didn't want to be found no one would find him. You set off on your own search, listing off the places that meant the most to Steve.

Eventually you find him in Bucky's old apartment, sitting on the room length leather sofa downing a bottle of bourbon. His hair was unbrushed and stubble dusted his cheeks. From the state of the place he'd been here at least a few days.

"You know this place used to be home, now its a million dollar fucking penthouse."

The pain in his voice startles you, "I thought if I came back here, he might too? I don't know," he sighs running his hands over his face, "but there's nothing left. Everything I had, it's all gone; Peggy, Bucky, I don't belong here y/n."

You have to bite back your despair, after everything you'd been through he still didn't see you as important as Peggy and Bucky and you'd given him everything. You push down your sadness and sit opposite him.

"Don't say that, we need you, the world-"

"Bullshit!" He smashes the bottle making you jump, and you notice the hurt in his eyes that he's scared you, "Captain America has been dead a long damn time y/n."

"Please come home, we need you."

"I can't save anyone y/n. I'm not going back there, nothing feels right anymore."

"Steve, I need you."

He stands and approaches you a softness in his eyes you hadn't seen in a long time and brushes the tears off your cheeks. He kneels down between your legs and kisses you softly on the lips. You stroke his face, his stubble feeling so foreign underneath your fingertips. He was already changing, pulling further away from you and who he was. Your heart aches at the contact after so long and you don't notice the tranquilizer gun until it's too late, Steve's tears fading as he lies you down on the sofa.

"Sorry y/n, I won't bring you down with me."

When you woke up the apartment was cold, dark and so very quiet, "Steve?" You call out half hardheartedly, already knowing he was long gone.

He had left everything in a neat pile beside you, his uniform, his passport, his wallet, his notebook, every belonging you associated with him, what made him Steve, he'd left it all behind.

The final stab to your heart was the photograph of you he always kept with him, the one with 'My best girl' scribbled on the back. His way of telling you it was over, the way he knew would be the most final.

"Y/n!" You heard Fury shout, the apartment becoming crowded with soldiers, but you still didn't look up, tears streaming down your cheeks, "Agent y/l/n?"

"He's gone sir." You whimpered and held out the pile of belongings, he took them and tried to hand back the photograph, you refused and ran out of the apartment, not looking back, not listening to Fury's calls.


Almost a year later, you still looked for Steve, a part of you still held a out a flicker of hope that he would come back, or at least let you know he was safe. Your love never faltered, not once. You often wondered what he was doing, if he ever thought about you. Every noise you heard at night, you still hoped it was him. You kept busy just like everyone else, you all missed him. The tower wasn't the same, everything there reminded you of Steve so you rented an apartment just outside the city.

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