When Yugyeom opened the door to his room, a sleeping figure fell onto the floor. Bambam had fallen asleep with his back against the door last night. Headache forgotten, Yugyeom lifted the still sleeping Bambam into his arms and carried him to one of the beds.

Once Bambam was safely lying on a bed, Yugyeom pulled the cover up to the boy's chin and sat down on the opposite bed beside him. The beds were close enough that Yugyeom could brush the sleeping boy's hair with his fingertips without a struggle.

After a while of running his finger's through Bambam's hair, Yugyeom heard a soft knock coming from the still open door. The makane turned to see the eldest member, Mark standing in the doorway with a sad smile on his face.

"Yugyeom, we need to talk," Mark's voice wasn't hostile, like Yugyeom was expecting, but it held a seriousness to it that scared the tall makane ever so slightly.

Yugyeom sighed, before giving a slight nod and patting the seat next to him. Mark sat down, before turning to Yugyeom and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yugyeom-ah, before I say anything else, I want to say that I will support any decision you ever make unless it compromises the band. Of course, being gay isn't a choice. Don't beat yourself up about it man, we're all here for you. You liking men shouldn't change that. Last night, when you locked yourself in here after your rant, me and the rest of the members were really scared. We thought you might hurt yourself or even worse. To be able to hear you sobbing through the door and not be able to to anything about it, killed us. Yugyeom, Jinyoung, Youngjae and Bambam couldn't stop crying. Jaebum blamed himself for not taking care of you better. When we got to our room, Jackson held me until I fell asleep because I was so worried and distraunt that I nearly had an anxiety attack." Mark looked down at his lap as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Yugyeom started to feel guilty for making them all worry so much.

"Yugyeom, I'm not trying to make you feel bad. I just want you to know how much we care about you. Bambam refused to leave your door last night, just in case you might come out. Youngjae was so scared, as were the rest of us. We all care about you so much, something as small as liking men shouldn't affect that." Mark finished his speech before ruffling Yugyeoms hair.

"If you ever feel so bad to the point of not being able to function again, or hell, even if you just want to talk; you know you can come to me, right? I'm always here, and unless you do something really really stupid, I won't ever get angry at you. I and everyone else in Got7 loves you, and we always will."

The eldest hyung rose from the bed after giving Yugyeom one last hug.  He made his way to the door, only to stop in the door way and turn his head to look at Yugyeom again.

"Oh, and by the way, you aren't the only one who likes men Yugyeomie," Mark winked before leaving. 

To say that Yugyeom was shocked would be an understatement.  Every single word that came out of Mark's mouth shocked him to the very core of his being.  In American terms, he was shook.

Yugyeom looked over at Bambam. Had he really waited for him all night? Well, the way he was still sitting outside the door when Yugyeom woke up should tell him that.

Yugyeom reached for Bambam's hand, taking it in his own and lacing their fingers together. The makane looked at his hyung and felt something that he had never before felt at such a large abundance; love.

The tall boy's heart started beating really fast as he stared at the sleeping boy's face. His thoughts only made his heart beat even faster than before.

'Bambam waited all night for me...' He thought.

Even though he felt guilty, Yugyeom also felt an overwhelming feeling of gratitude towards Bambam.  This boy's kindness tugged on the makane heart strings. 

Restlessness [Yugbam] (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora