Chapter 13

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    as soon as i heard that i was to fight cardin i got a little nervous. cardin fights dirty so this fight was not likely to end well. I got into the ring and unfolded crescent rose getting ready to fight him. he walks into the ring still looking all cocky swinging his mace around and glaring at me. as soon as the bell for the fight to start went off he rushed me using my semblance I dodged just in time.

     "what's the matter scum can't take a beating like a proper animal" he taunts swinging again

       this time I blocked  and kicked him in the face jumping back. he was pissed off and looked ready to kill. again I dodged him and this time I shot a round behind me to propel myself towards him and hitting him with the blunt end of crescent rose. it continued like that until the match was called and I won. turning to face yang I put away my weapon grinning until Blake shouted my name in warning. I turned around only to be hit it the stomach with Cardin's mace and him smirking at me. I look down and notice the blood before falling back the last thing I heard was Blake and yang yelling my name before I blacked out.

      "is she going to be ok" I hear a familiar voice say

      "yes yang the doctor says she'll be fine" another familiar voice says

     "I'm just worried Blake" the voice I now recognize as yang says

     "and you don't think I am" Blake says before mumbling "I love her"

      "wait what" yang says a hint of surprise in her voice

     "you heard me I love her ok I love ruby a lot" she says 

      I decide that I should open my eyes which stop there conversation completely. yang hugs me tightly and Blake stands off to the side. I open my arms and beckon her over here and she comes hugging me almost crying. I smile and pet her ears causing her to purr then blush making me chuckle. I look at my stomach and see that I'm mostly healed up which is good cause when I looked at my scroll I noticed I was out for three days. that shocked me quiet a bit but it looked like yang and Blake both stayed with me the entire time which made me smile. looking down and seeing a purring and blushing Blake made me smile more and blush as well it's cute seeing her like this. then the doctor came in with professor ozpin behind him.


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