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"Okay class, say hi to our new student!"

Standing in front of a bunch of 12- and 13-year-olds who obviously couldn't care less wasn't Phil's ideal start at his new school. He just wanted to sit down and fade into the background. That was how he dealt at all his schools after all– be quiet, don't stand out, don't be noticed. So far it had worked pretty well. But no, even in 7th grade, the teacher still made him stand in front of the class and introduce himself.

"Alright Phil, you head back to your seat."

He tried not to make his pace seemed rushed as he made his way back to his desk. Luckily, once he sat down, nobody really seemed to care about his presence anymore. That is, except for one boy a few seats over

In a room of heteronormativity where all the boys were wearing dark colors and hoodies and all the girls were wearing light colors and skirts, he stood out. His skinny jeans combined with a pink t-shirt and a cardigan didn't make him seem very masculine. His appearance caught Phils immediate attention, but the few times he would lift his head and see the boy quickly turning away sparked his interest.

He's pretty cute, he thought, sneaking a glance at him. He quickly focused back on his worksheet, though. Not like I'd ever have a chance though.

Phil snapped back to the present to feel tears running down his face. Not many. Just a few. But to the boy who never cried, those few tears seemed like the entire ocean.

He had always wanted to blend in, but once he met– or rather saw, seeing as they had never really interacted– Daniel James Howell, the boy in pink, he did his best to stand out in hopes of catching his attention. He got piercings, he dyed his hair, he became rambunctious and reckless. Then Louise placed a bet, and that gave him the motivation to finally ask Dan out.

Naturally, as soon as he got to be with him, it all fell apart.

In his life, everything seemed to fall apart.

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