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After what felt like a blissful eternity, the two boys pulled away from each other. They stood there in the parking lot for a while, holding each other with their foreheads resting together. A few peaceful seconds passed, then Dan broke down in a fit of giggles. Phil found himself laughing too. He grabbed Dan by the waist and lifted him up, spinning in a circle before letting him fall into a hug, though Dans feet remained a few inches off the ground. As they, hugged, Phil smiled and whispered, so quiet only Dan could hear.

"I love you."

Dan hugged Phil tighter and squeezed his eyes shut in joy. "I love you too, Phil."

Late into the night, Dan sat on his bed on the phone with Louise.

"So how did it go?" she asked as soon as she picked up.

"It was amazing," Dan said, grinning. "We went to this Italian restaurant and he made me order for him because he said everything was too fancy for him. There was this one guy who kept yelling at us, though, but then Phil punched him in the face," he said with a small giggle.

"Oh my god, really?" Louise asked.

"Yup!" Dan said. "So then the waitress kicked us out and..."

"And what?" Louise said excitedly.

"We kissed," Dan said, giggling.

Dan heard Louise squeal on the other end of the phone and laughed.

"So..." Louise said slyly. "Anything else?"

"We didn't have sex, if that's what you're implying," Dan said. "Though he is a wonderful kisser."

"Oh, I'm sure he is," Louise said. "Though I would think it would be awkward with his snakebites and all."

Dan laughed. "I thought it would be too, but it was rather nice."

The continued talking for a few hours, Louise demanding to know all the details of the date and Dan retelling the night for her.

"Well, I should probably go to bed," Dan finally said around midnight. "I don't want to look bad in front of Phil tomorrow right after our first date."

Louise laughed. "Go get your beauty sleep, lover boy. I'll see you tomorrow."

They hung up and Dan crawled into bed and turned off the lights. That night, he fell asleep smiling.  

*oh h*ck we only have half a chapter left thats prewritten*

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