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When most people saw Louise, who wore dresses and skirts and had long blonde hair, they would think the last person she'd be friends with would be Phil Lester. However, that was not the case; since Phil's first year at the school, him and Louise had been good friends.

For the unlikely friends, maths came after lunch. Louise took her seat and waited for Phil to arrive a minute late, as he normally did. When he finally did arrive, he rushed into the classroom and threw himself into the chair next to Louise.

"Hey," he said as the teacher told him to take off his beanie. He made a point to ignore her, much to the teachers distaste; however, she had grown accustomed to Phil's behaviour and began the lesson with an exasperated 'hmph'.

Throughout the lesson, the two chatted casually, until at the end when everyone began grabbing their stuff and heading out to their last class of the day.

"So, Phil," Louise said. "I've got a bet for you."

"Is that so?" Phil said with a smirk. "Even after you lost the last one?"

"So I do," she said. "You know that Dan kid? Rather feminine, brown hair?"

Due to the differences in their friends groups that pretty much repelled each other, linked only by Louise, neither Dan nor Phil really knew about Louise's friendship with the other.

"Oh yeah, him. Seen him around."

Louise smirked. "I bet you don't have the guts to ask him out by the end of the week."

Phil laughed. "Oh, please. Don't have the guts? That's an easy bet. I'll have probably asked him out by Wednesday."

"Oh sure," Louise laughed.

"You're on."

The two departed, heading for their next classes. As he left, however, Phil found himself... slightly nervous? Since when had bets made him nervous?

He did his best to push the feeling aside. As he walked through the halls, he tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. He was Phil Lester. He could do this.

*Hey! Here's chapter two as promised :^)*

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