Chapter 9

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 My face is pressed against a soft pillow, and I shift to my right. I open my eyes and flinch when I stare right into the sunlight that’s shining through the window. I rub my eyes, and lay down again on my back, with my hands rested upon my stomach. The first thoughts that come to my mind is everything I told Harry last night. I told him more than he needed to know, and I feel uncomfortable about that. I was stupid to say some of the things I said to him, but surprisingly, he wasn’t obnoxious about it. He stayed silent and listened as I spoke. I didn’t say anything too rude last night, and that surprises me too. I don’t know what happened to my personality last night; it was completely different from my usual self.

I’ve never been kind to anybody, and especially my boyfriends. I usually dated them for a month or two, they got attached to me, and I left them when they told me they loved me. I have never felt truly love before. Even for my parents, I never truly loved them. I hope I don’t spend any more time with Harry, because I know that I will break his heart.

I swing my feet over the edge of the bed, push myself up, and walk to the bathroom. The mirror reflects my weary appearance. I brush my hand over my unruly hair and wipe the sleep from my eyes. I splash water onto my face, hoping it will help wake me up. I realize that I am still in my clothes from yesterday. They’re wrinkled, and I try to smooth it out with my hands.

I exit the bedroom and try to find my way around the large house. I almost get lost, but I hear Harry talking on the phone and follow the way to his voice. I stay with my back pressed firmly against the wall, hoping to hear a bit of his conversation. I peer around the corner and catch a glimpse of his angry yet confused expression. His phone is on speaker, making to easier for me to eavesdrop.

“What are you talking about Niall?”

Niall. I dated him before. We only went out for a short amount of time before I broke up with him. He was in love with me, but I didn’t feel the same way. He got really upset when I dumped him, but I knew that it’s better to tell him sooner than later. I really hope Niall is telling Harry that I am not going to fall in love with him. I think it would be better if Niall told him instead of me. Harry’s not as bad as I thought he was, and I don’t want to hurt him too badly. I turn my attention back to the phone call.

“Stay away from her Harry. She’s not good for you; she’s going to break your heart.”

“Stop saying that!”

“Trust me Harry. She has dated so many guys and they she broke up with them all. She dates you, and then she throws you away like it’s nothing.”

“I don’t want to listen to this, I’ll talk to you later Niall.” He snaps and hangs up the phone

I tip-toe back down the hall and pretend I didn’t hear any of their conversation. I walk back into the kitchen and Harry looks up. A smile spreads over his face when he sees me. He puts what looks like a bathing suit in a duffel bag, and zips it up. I sit down by the counter and try to smile back. I have trained myself to never be nice to people, or to ever show happiness. I try really hard sometimes, but I always seem to put people in a bad mood.

Harry’s smile fades and he hands me a plate full of food. Eggs, pancakes, and there’s a glass of orange juice.

“I made it myself,” he says as he gives me the plate

I look at him in disbelief. He made this breakfast? More importantly, he made this breakfast for me? I have been nothing but rude and unappreciative to him, yet he still takes the time to make me a meal. I stare at the plate, my mouth watering. I take the fork and knife, and start to eat. It’s delicious. I’m swallowing some of my pancake when Harry asks a question.

“Do you want to talk about last night?” and I choke

I start coughing and I drink some of my orange juice. Harry tries to pat my back, but I just shrug him off. He stands next to me, with his hands limp, waiting for my coughing fit to stop. I clear my throat, and take a few breaths.

“No, I don’t want to talk about it.” I say and he sighs

“You can tell me anything,” he puts his hand on my arm, “I’ll listen.”

“What makes you think that I will tell you everything?”

“Please, I won’t tell anybody else.” he pleads

“What happened last night is for me to know and for me to remember. Just because I talked to you a little bit last night doesn’t mean we’re friends now.” my harsh words make Harry flinch

Harry’s face falls and his lips go downwards into a frown. I look at him, and his hurt posture. The longer I look at him, the more I feel sympathy for him. His bottom lip moves a bit, and for a moment I think he’s going to cry. He doesn’t, but he lets out a shaky breath. He doesn’t say anything, and stares at his shoes. I feel the slightest twinge of guilt, and I immediately get up from the chair. I don’t want to feel sorry for him. He should mind his own business.

I walk to the door and groan, remembering that I didn’t drive here. I reach into my pocket to call Conrad, but I decide against it. He wouldn’t be pleased to see me in Harry’s house. Conrad acts strange around Harry, and I don’t know why. He always seems to get tense, and have his guards up when Harry’s around. If Conrad doesn’t feel comfortable around him, then I don’t either.

“Where are you going?” he asks

“I want to go home, but I don’t have a car.” I sigh

“I’ll take you back,” he offers and I nod

I sit in the car while Harry drives, and I check my phone. Nine missed calls. All of the calls are from my dad and I curse under my breath. He’s going to kill me. I completely forgot to tell him where I was going, and I wasn’t supposed to be going out in the first place. My dad is very protective and I am dreading to see the look on his face when I get back home. He’s going to be absolutely furious. I don’t like it when he yells at me, but I did bring this upon myself. If I haven’t given into coming to Harry’s house, I wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. I would be home, and my father wouldn’t be plotting my death.

alyssa's such a bitch om

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