Ri struggles | Pbbt

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Guess who decided to redesign her Persona to make it more god like? That's right it's ya boo Ri—//bricked

And I was gonna make her original design her alternate/"mortal" form or somethin, cuz I still like it.


Surprisingly, I p much did the pose on my own. I was orginaly gonna use a ref but it didn't work so I just free handed it :^

Btw Vee, it was unintentional but now you know what I meant when I told ya about the Alpha lock/Protect Alpha button :D


I got the style fer a side profile

oNLY from watching Spibbles/TeeVee(originally known as GalacticBun I believe)'s animatics, cuz that'd kinda how they do it.


Get excited cuz I finished the lineart fer the body, hair, and clothes(I finished the clothes lineart from the shirt to shorts) before I had to stop cuz strict mom-bear and bed times :"

Anyways imma go before I get my phone taken another time :'D

Ja nē!


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