Sona stuff | Alpaca-sona????

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It's 1am and I'm to tired to emotion

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It's 1am and I'm to tired to emotion

But since I've Ben called the "Salty queen of Alpacas" and whatnot from when that was a title I called myself, I thought it sorta made sense that I'd make a character that was an Alpaca of some sort.

She was originally supposed to be a 12 y/o actually.


Name: -Unknown-
Nicknames: Al/Ally
Age: 14???
Birthday: October 10th
Gender: Female
Species: Alpaca Humanoid
Sexual Orientation: Colesexual-- uh;;;
Relationship Status: T a k e n
Crush: her bf that prefers being called her partner fsr


Height • Weight: 4'7" • 65lbs
Body Type: 14 y/o Average w/ High Metabolism
Skin Color: Light Caramel
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Heterochromia Iridium - Gray(right)/Hazel(left)
Tattoo(s): ////
Piercing(s): Sensitive ears equals no
Scars/Birthmark(s): Beauty marks/Birthmarks on random places on her skin(her face(which has the most of them), her arms, her left thumb, her legs, etc)
Notable Feature(s): Freckles that her mainly on her nose, her birthmarks, her ears and tail
Voice: Anna/annapantsu



+ Gore
+ Music/Dark themed music
+ Horror movies
+ Cole
+ Singing

- The color Green


*No set personality, but is pretty much the same as Riv3, only she isn't anywhere near as nice.




Rowan(close friend)


❥Never eVER call her Paca. Unless you're a masochist and are fine with possibly getting your guts ripped out.

❥Gore ftw

❥Well I mean, she really likes 'Dont Hug Me I'm Scared' so I guess it makes sense.

❥I basically made a Alpaca-sona that's heavily based off Notebook from DHMIS let's be real here

❥The dots/birthmarks she has are all based on the ones I have(minutes the ones on the legs, I didn't see any when I checked my own legs--), but I was off placement wise.

❥The only thing she'll except that's green is nature, since she respects it(trees mainly. Cuz y'know, related to that other statement, trees make paper)... And Cole's eyes, since they're green as well.

❥Cole is 100% gonna be heavily based off the Clock from DHMIS, I won't even try to lie. But like Ally, he'll have a more, 'Creative' design(hAH----).

❥Spars with Riv3 a whole frickin' lot, whilst Rowan and Cole often watch, slightly fearing the worse case scenarios cuz their fuckin' pessimistic as shi--//slapped

❥Is basically part Zombie, too. Since if she's heavily injured(like, she got stabbed or got an arm cut off or somethin') physically, she'll go back to full health and injury-free after a day. But no matter how many times she gets cut up at once, she can't die. This has been tested. Same goes for Cole.

❥Also yes this is basically me saying I'm gonna use her for testing out drawing gore. Same goes for Cole again.

❥GHOST is best Music producer and you won't be able to confine her otherwise.

❥If I'm having her speak, her text will be in, "{ }", and while Cole speaks with "{*}". I dunno so don't bother asking.

❥I think she was originally gonna be nice. I don't remember.

❥Unless you're the people in her Relations section, or close friends with Riv3, don't bother trying to talk to her. Just- just don't.

❥She doesn't have a known Ethnicity, but she's usually mistaken for a Anime character, which she usually expects.

❥Frickin' gore loving Yandere. Fuckin' disgusting. Also partially a Tsundere cuz of a thing I thought of

❥I love the Remix of the song she was based off more then the original tbh, so she was based off the remix.

❥The only time she's a nice person is when with Cole, cuz he's her heart and soul and she's gross and she loves him. It's not faked, either, it's 100% genuine. She's still human(oid) afterall.

After I post a shit post of a thing I did a few hours ago I'm gonna sleep

Ally & Cole sonas//Art (c) Me

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