chapter 15

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Magnus said, "I can't believe Gray would do that." Magnus sighed.

An hour later, they heard a knock and Magnus went over to it. It was Gray. Gray said, "I need to see him Magnus."

Magnus said, "You broke his heart. He has an icicle on his back to represent you as his soulmate."

Gray said, "I had no idea. He didn't tell me. My mark just finished itself while Natsu was here. It's a dragon breathing fire on my back. His is bigger so it took longer to show itself. I know he's my soulmate too and I fell in love with him too. I didn't know until he told me that it was love." Magnus sighed.

Magnus said, "I moved him to a bedroom an hour ago. You'll be able to find him. Go." Gray nodded and ran to the room where he knows Natsu is.

He got there and saw Natsu sleeping. Gray sat on the bed and leaned against the headboard. Gray said, "Natsu, wake up please. We need to talk." Natsu woke up and gasped when he saw Gray. Gray said, "Don't leave. I'm sorry. I want to show you something." Gray took off his shirt and Natsu gasped when he saw the mate mark. Gray said, "You're mine too." Natsu jumped on Gray and kissed him. Gray kissed back and they broke it.

Natsu said, "It finished after I said I loved you." Gray nodded.

Gray said, "You should go back to sleep. I'll be right here." Natsu nodded and fell back asleep. Gray fell asleep beside him.

Magnus came in 20 minutes later and saw them asleep in each others arms. Magnus smiled and went to the lounge. He got there and said, "They're asleep. They're back together too. They are cuddling." Raphael smiled.

2 hours later, Natsu and Gray woke up. They smiled at each other and kissed. Natsu said, "I accept you as my mate."

Gray said, "I accept you as my mate." They gasped when they felt their bond blossom. Gray kissed Natsu and they made out. Then they stopped and Gray said, "We should go thank Magnus for letting me in here. We should leave too." Natsu nodded and they got their shirts back on. They went to the lounge.

They got there and Magnus said, "Congrats guys! Keep making each other happy and stay together. Don't hurt each other." They nodded and thanked Magnus. Then they left.

Alec said, "They are great guys." Magnus nodded. Alec said, "I should go. Lydia put me on patrol tonight with my siblings and Clary." Then Alec and his siblings and Clary left the hotel. Everyone else except the vampires and whoever lives there left the hotel.

The next day, everyone was at the loft. The kids were playing and some of Raphael's clan was there with their kid mates. Leo, Subaru, Ryder, and Zoey became daylighters for their mates. Magnus said, "Does anyone want anything to eat or drink?" Everyone listed off what them and the kids wanted.

Alec said, "Do you need any help babe?" Magnus nodded.

Christian said, "The twins lost control last night while playing with fire of course and burned my curtains. They were my favorite too. Ana laughed at me too because I was whining that they were burned to a crisp."

Ana said, "It was funny. You were whining because your curtains were burned when you could have made new ones appear."

Lydia said, "Did he cry too?" Ana nodded and Lydia laughed.

Isabelle said, "That does sound hilarious."

Madzie said, "Erik burned his bed covers when he didn't want to go to bed because he didn't get to say goodnight to Zoey."

Erik said, "Dad let me say goodnight and I went to sleep after Zoey sang me a song."

Zoey said, "I sang him Mary had a little lamb."

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