chapter 8

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"Have you seen Zachary?" Nicole asked after first period as I headed to my next class. I was going to ask her the same thing after he didn't show up for study hall and I hadn't heard from him since the lunch room scene two days ago. 

"No, I was going to ask you the same thing." He has never missed two days of school in a roll since he has been here, to be honest this is the first time he has missed school. It also didn't help that I couldn't get Jason and the Ad guy out of my head. Jason has kept his distance since that night outside my house but he still watches me and I haven't run back into Ad or his girlfriend. "I'll try to call him during lunch," I told Nicole as we got to my class. 

But before I could step into the room Nicole nudged me in the side and pointed with her head to down the hall. I turned to see Lacy walking in my direction and there was a look of worry and anger in her face. Shit, what happened now? “See you later,” I told Nicole as she walked off. “What's wrong?”

“Your friend Jason showed up and it doesn't look good,” she said surprising me.

“What? He's not my friend,” I said raising an eyebrow.

“Well he said he was and to be honest I don't know how I feel about you being friends with a demon.” Wait, Jason is a demon? How in the hell did I miss that?

“What? He's a demon? I never knew that! Yes we have talked once or twice before but never anything else,” I defined myself.

“I am surprised you didn't know he was one since you are so good at hunting but yes, he's a demon. He also told us that he was the one who saved you. He's asking for you,” she said with a sad look on her face.

“What do you mean asking for me? What happened to him?”

“He was trying to help a friend of yours by the name of Ad when he got attacked by some demons late last night,” she explained as we ran out the front of the school. No wonders I didn't see him this morning. He wasn't outside watching me and that was when I actually look forward to seeing him in the morning even though we don't talk.

All the way home I tried to fight back the fear of how bad of shape he might be in. “Where is he?” I asked jumping out of the jeep.

'We put him in your bed, we didn't know where else to put him. He tried to get here before you left for school and he collapsed in your room after he rushed in and went down to your room. He won't say what's wrong or what happened until you got here, he said you needed to hear this from him,” Lacy called out as I rushed through the front door and rushed to my room to find my bookcase pushed to the side already.

Serenity was sitting by the bed while cleaning blood away from Jason's face while he had his eyes closed. “Is he okay?” I asked rushing over as he started to mumble something. “How long has he been out for?”

“For about an hour and half now. He woke up about thirty minutes ago after Lacy left to get you and was asking for you. I know Lacy may act like she would be mad if you two were dating, but I wouldn't be,” she said as she handed me the wash cloth. “Once he is better don't ever let him go.” Serenity gave me a hug before she left and left me alone with Jason.

I went to the other side of the bed and climbed in under the covers and pulled him closer to me. His head landed in my lap and I brushed his hair out of his eyes as I traced each scar with the washcloth as I cleaned his face. He mumbled something again and grabbed my hand. A beeping noise sounded from the bed side table and I reached over to find his phone.

Adam: Where are you? Is everything okay?

I didn't know who Adam is but I hit answer and replied back.

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