chapter 2

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"Oh my god! No matter how much I studied I would have still failed that test!" Nicole yelled, hitting her head on the lunch room table that afternoon. "I can't miss my show tonight !" She yelled once again bashing her head against the table.

"Nicole, before you kill yourself," I yelled frantically grabbing her shoulders to hold her back. She turned her head and started to cry on my shoulder as Zachary and Kait looked on. Kait tried to hold her laughter back and Zachary just looked worried. "It's okay, it's okay," I said patting her head as I rolled my eyes. "It will be on demand tomorrow and you can watch it online."

Once Nicole had calmed down enough Kait and I pushed our french fries towards her and watched as she attacked them with ranch dipping. "Does this happen often?" Zachary asked as he watched us go back our conversation before Nicole's breakdown.

"Sadly too much," I laughed. "I forget you haven't been with us since she found the show the day it all started."

"So, I'll pass?" he asked a few seconds later. Kait and I stopped eating and gave him a look that read "Are you effing kidding us?"

Nicole threw a fry at him but he caught it in his mouth. "The looks on your faces was well worth it. You would think I told you I just laid an egg."

"You pretty much did," I said getting up. "Got to do some research, see you all later." I said turning around to find Jason watching me from under his hair that was covering his eyes.

Zachary noticed and stood up. "Want me to come with you?"

I watched as Jason stood up and left the room, leaving untouched food at his spot. "No, but thanks. I'll be fine. See you later," I said walking off.

A hand stopped me and I turned to look at him. "I'm fine, I can defend for myself," Kait and Nicole nodded in agreement. "Besides, we're in school and all he has ever done is watch me. Chill," I said pulling away and left the lunch room.

Last night while I was fighting the demon the jerk mention a name, something about an Alucard, whoever or what ever that is. When I told Serenity over breakfast she told me to do some research on the name when I got a chance. The halls were empty as I changed out my books at my locker and headed for the library.

Despite the blocks the school has on the computers Ms. Blake has a computer saved for me that has no blocks after Lacy and I helped her with an ex that turned out to be a demon. "He, Carmen," she called out as I walked up to my computer. She put down a book she was fixing and sat by me. 

"What's new? Haven't seen you in awhile," she asked as I signed on.

"Nothing much, took another one down last night, got a name to look up, Lacy and Serenity aren't doing so good, and got a boy watching me," I said all in a rush.

"Finally got someone's attention," Ms. Blake grinned. "About time, who is this boy?" Ms. Blake was no older than 25 and was more like a sister than a teacher.

"Jason," I said not looking to see her reaction. She didn't say anything and I started my research. "You have any ideas on how he got those scars?" I asked.

"I don't know much, just that he was in some kind of accident. We're really not a loud to talk about it," she said as she looked at my computer screen. "But doesn't mean you can't guess," She really wanted to talk about it. 

"Either he was abused when he was younger or was in a fire or something. Kind of looks like he got caught in the middle of a demon fight," I said honestly. "Everyone thinks he's mute but I think he's trying to hide something."

"You really thought about this, haven't you?" Ms. Blake said sitting back. "Think about him often?"

"No, it's just what I have come up with ever since he moved here. When you either drive or walk around all night in between kills, you have time to think about anything. Besides, if a boy covered in scars was watching you all the time, don't tell me you wouldn't give him a second thought."

"Got me there," she laughed but stopped when she saw what came up for the name Alucard. The first link to come up said Alucard, the vampire. I clicked on it to find a picture of a family on the mail page. 

The picture was in black and white and looked like it was from the Civil War time period. There were three grown ups, a girl who looked to be about 19, and then a boy who looked to be about my age. 

"Isn't that Zachary Red?" Ms. Blake asked looking closer. It couldn't be, but it did look like him. If it was him he would be over 150 years old! Besides, vampires couldn't be in the sunlight like Zachary and vampires aren't real.

"No, he just looks like him," I said printing the page out as the bell ringed. 

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