Chapter 5

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The smell hit me like semi truck full of logs. It was so strong that I almost got sick but I held myself together as the smell got closer to me. Who ever it was had caught my scent and was most likely going to try to kill me. I wasn't scared but I would rather be somewhere else, like inside with Carmen, than here about to fight a vampire. Foot steps came up behind me and I was on the ground face down. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" the voice snapped. Shit, I know that voice! I had to listen to it every day at school when I watched Carmen sit with her friends and not with me. "Answer my question before I kill you, demon."

"Alucard?" I asked trying to hide my fear but wasn't succeeding. My head got pushed into the mud hard and made me hit my head on a root.

"I go by Zachary, I'm not Alucard anymore," he snapped. "Now tell me why the hell you are here," he said pulling my head up. If he wasn't Carmen's friend I would have him on the ground already and I would be the one on top of him, trying to kill him. "You can still save yourself, I'm pissed now but if you don't start answering me I'll be even more pissed." That was no lie, never get on a vamps bad side. Never.  

"I was just helping Carmen, she had some trouble and I saved her life," I yelled trying not to tense up. "She ran into some trouble at the store and if I wasn't there she would be dead."

"Wait, you were following her?" he said grabbing my hair tighter. 

"If I hadn't she would be dead! Would you rather her be dead than have her alive and me here? I just saved her life dude, why are you pissed at me?" I thought that would make him, of all people, happy. The dude has a freaking crush on the girl, anyone can tell!

"I'm pissed because a demon is stalking her and she doesn't even realize it! I know she hunts demons, I can smell them on her every morning when she comes in for school! I hate the fact that she hunts but I can't do anything about it. I'm pissed that you have the guts to follow her and won't leave her alone. Do you watch her sleep you creep?" I didn't say anything and he took it to mean that I was afraid of him. I didn't watch her sleep, I couldn't. There was no window to her underground bedroom.  I will say I do watch her practice in the back yard and as she walks around inside the trailer. But I have never gone as far as watch her sleep. I'm just keeping an eye on her, at least that is what I keep telling myself.

"No, I am just keeping an eye on her," I finally said when I felt a knee go into my back. "I'm not going to hurt her!" I yelled out in pain. That was a mistake because he just dug his knee deeper into my back.

"She doesn't need your help! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you saved her but she doesn't need your protection. She has been fine on her own for a long time," he said close to my ear.

"How would you know that? Do you watch her? Does she even know you are a vampire?" I asked. Hunters hunt anything evil and dead. They don't hate just us demons but anything dead and breathing, including vampires. 

"She doesn't have to know, and no I don't watch her. That would just make me as creepy as you," he snapped. The front door to the trailer slammed shut and we both snapped our heads to the direction of the trailer. "Shit, it's Serenity," Zachary mumbled. The lady was heading in our direction and the vampire jumped off of me and said loud enough, "Stay away from her. If I find out you were any where close to her I am going to kill you." Then he was gone, running off and left me behind laying on the ground as the chick with long brown hair got closer.

Out of no where she pulled up a gun and shot in my direction. I jumped up and started to run through the trees as she ran after me. I got hit in the shoulder and fell to the ground. The foot steps stopped beside me and I was rolled over onto my back and was looking up at a short girl as she held a gun on me. 

"Who are you?" she said getting the gun ready for another shot. I didn't say anything as I held up my hands and tried to catch my breath as pain shot through my shoulder blade. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you then."

"I was the one who saved Carmen," I said without thinking about it. "My name is Jason, don't tell her it was me. I don't want her to know," I said scared. I wasn't afraid of this girl, I was afraid of Carmen finding out that I was the one that saved her. 

"Why don't you want me to tell her?" she asked lowering her gun just half an inch. "Do you know her from school?"

"Yes, ma'am. We don't get along that well and I don't want her to know it was me. Please don't tell her," I begged. 

"Wait, you're a..."

"Yes, please don't kill me." 

She looked me in the eye and then back to her house. When she looked back at me her face said it all. She put the safety on the gun on and put her gun away. "If you give me one reason to kill you I will, I am only doing this because you helped save our little girl. She may acts like she doesn't need anyone's help but she does.  I won't tell her but you got to promise me that you won't have to give me a reason to kill you."

"I promise, I would never hurt Carmen or anyone she cares about." 

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