Hunter’s P.O.V.

Joslyn ends up staying over night. Once she admitted to not coming over because her TV was broken, we didn’t talk, which was alright. We didn’t have to talk. It wasn’t awkward at all either. I turned on the Netflix and we watched a few episodes of Friends. We didn’t laugh, or show any emotion, really. It was kind of therapy, sitting with Joslyn. After she nodded off, I couldn’t help but keep my eyes trained on her face. I know it’s cliche, but she really does look younger and more innocent as she’s sleeping. She even looks more at peace than when she was when she passed out in her kitchen yesterday. The volume on the TV is low, but even if it was higher, I don’t think it’d wake Joslyn up. Since she looks exhausted, I don’t wake her up to make her go home. I don’t turn off the TV, either. Even with one of the best TV shows in the world on, I can’t keep my eyes off of Joslyn’s face. Her mouth is slightly cracked open and I can see a small cut on it where she must’ve bitten it too hard. Even with the healing gash on her forehead, she looks perfect.

Jennifer broke up with me about, what, two weeks ago? How am I already falling for another girl? I loved Jennifer, I know I did; I never would’ve agreed to living in the same house as her if I wasn’t. Even though we had separate bedrooms and never got intimate with each other, we were in love. At least, I was in love. But what about now? Am I still in love with Jennifer?

No. I can’t be.

Mom and Dad always said that she was perfect, and now I realize that she truly is perfect. Too perfect for me, that is. Jennifer had perfect hair. She had the perfect smile with perfect teeth. She had a perfect weight and height. Her skin was perfectly clear and smooth. Her laugh was perfect. Everything about her is perfect; except for me. When she had me, I wasn’t perfect, nor will I ever be. Maybe that’s why she left.

Maybe perfect people belong with other perfect people, and the broken or half-way decent people belong with other broken or half-way decent people.

With a lingering look, I realize that Joslyn isn’t perfect. She has her faults and is extremely confusing. She has a past, I think. Her hair is always ratty, and she’s always late. Joslyn probably has anger issues, too. She has a few marks left over from acne on her face, but it’s almost unnoticeable unless you get a good look at her.

Joslyn definitely isn’t perfect. However, she is perfect for me.

Joslyn’s P.O.V.

I wake up on Hunter’s couch, drool dripping from my mouth. I sit up, stretch (wincing), and then wipe the drool away. As I do so, I hear Hunter shuffling around in the kitchen. I sniff the air and a sweet aroma of breakfast foods fills my nostrils.

“What’s cookin’?” I call, turning my head so I can see him. He’s still in his clothes from yesterday, as am I. He glances at me, seeing that I’m awake. He smiles.

“Eggs and bacon. Would you like some?”

My eyes light up. “Is that even a question?”

He shakes his head, chuckling under his breath as his shoulders bounce lightly. I’d find it a bit cute if I wasn’t trying to only be his friend. Hunter sweeps some food off the pan and onto a plate, walking over to me on an extended hand. I take the plate eagerly.

“Thanks, Hayes.”

“No problem, Josie.” He turns before he can see my glare. However, despite my scowls and glares I send him whenever he calls me by the nickname he gave me, I quite like being called Josie. No one has ever cared enough to call me something other than ma’am, miss, Joslyn, or Ms. Edwards. I think the fact that Hunter came up with it also makes me like it more.

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