I shut the refrigerator, reading today’s edition of Nashville: Current as I drink a glass of milk.


As soon as I read the headline, I choke on my milk. I set the glass down on the counter and cough. Once my coughing fit is over, I continue reading.

Yesterday, June 3, 2017 around noon, a gunner that has now been identified as Louis Smith held jewelry store owner Hank Baker at gunpoint as he demanded for the combination to the safe inside the store. Just minutes before the authorities arrived to take control of the situation peacefully, our city’s Little Birdie dropped by. There were witnesses who described the scene.

“She was taunting him, almost challenging the man with the gun to shoot,” said Nancy Miller, a local.

“She is endangering not only herself, but the entire Nashville. Who does she think she is? She needs to just step out of the way and let Nashville’s police department deal with the crimes,” said George Williams, a citizen who lived in Nashville all his life.

Other witnesses described the scene to reporters, saying that she broke the glass of the jewelry store and most likely took a little something for herself.

What do you think? Should our Little Birdie be brought to justice, or should we let her try to help our city?

Jennifer Realms, Nashville: Current Journalist

I slam the newspaper on the counter, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Really? Give me a break! So what, I broke a window. At least I stopped anyone from getting killed!” I’m just about to slam my palms against the counter in frustration when there’s a knock on my door.

Who in the world would knock on my door?

I step over to the front door and open it anyways. Standing before me are Hunter Hayes, dressed in casual jeans and a thermal, and a tall young woman with long brown hair. They both flash me bright toothy smiles.

“Hi! It’s nice to meet you, we’re your new neighbors!” the woman says with a very perky voice.

“Right,” I say, leaning against the door frame.

Hunter says, “Well, I’m Hunter, and this is my girlfriend, Jennifer.”

“I’m Joslyn.” I shut the door.

Hunter’s P.O.V.

I jump back a little, startled by the door slamming shut. I blink.

“Maybe she isn’t the social type,” Jennifer tells me, a strained smile playing on her lips. I tuck her silky brown hair behind her ear and give her a peck on the forehead.

“Okay. Let’s go watch some Doctor Who, how about that?”

Her smile turns genuine. “That sounds wonderful.”

Jennifer and I walk back to our new house, my arm wrapped around her waist and her head leaning against my shoulder. Inside, she gets the Netflix set up as I make some popcorn. When I sit next to her on the couch with the popcorn in a bowl on my lap, Netflix is still loading.

Jennifer whines, “I hate slow internet!”

I turn my head, our faces inches apart. “You’re the one who wanted to move out here.”

“I didn’t realize the internet would be so slow!”

I chuckle lightly. “Anyways, since it’s taking forever to load, how about we talk about your newest masterpiece?”

“You mean my latest article?” she says. “Yeah. I don’t know why, but Little Birdie just really interests me. I want to try to get an interview with her or something if I ever can, which would probably be impossible. But I still want to know her true identity. What if she’s that old lady that keeps losing her cats?”

“I don’t think an old lady would have the same figure.”

She shoots me a look. “Are you saying that Little Birdie has a good figure? As in, you like her hips and all that?”

I throw my hands up innocently. “I just said that they have different figures, that’s all. Your figure is the only one I like anyways, so don’t get all jealous on me.”

She pecks me on the lips. “No promises.”

I put my arm around her back, pulling her body closer to mine. “So, what do you think?”

“Hm? About what?” she asks.

“About Little Birdie. Should she be brought to justice?”

Jennifer is quiet for a moment, thinking. “Yeah. What about you?”

I personally don’t think that she’s doing anything wrong; she did save lives today, didn’t  she? She’s just trying to do the right thing. And she’s good at it.

Before I can answer, Doctor Who starts and we’re both quiet.

Secret Identity ▶▶A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction◀◀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora