Joslyn’s P.O.V.

The morning air tastes stale on my tongue, so I quickly make myself a breakfast of plain Cheerios before sitting in front of the TV. I’ve still got an hour before work, so I should be able to get ready in time after I see what’s on the news.

I am. I’m on the news.

Well, technically Little Birdie is, but she’s me, so I’m on the news. Hunter is also there, but only his picture. I’m surprised they haven’t interviewed him yet.

I turn off the TV, not wanting to hear the press talk bad about me, and decide to get dressed for work. Since I’m a salesperson at a very undiscovered company here in Nashville, I answer calls all day long and make calls all day long. Though, for some reason, the boss wants us all to look nice.

I go upstairs into my room, slip on some nice black dress pants carefully so I don’t hurt myself too bad, and then put on my black hoodie. I always have it on under my clothes just in case I need to help someone. On top of the hoodie, I put on a white blouse. Since it doesn’t look very presentable to have a hoodie underneath a blouse, I wear my coat all day when I’m at work and claim that I’m cold.

Just as I’m walking out the door, I run right into someone, both of us falling onto my yard. I land on top of the person, my hands on either sides of their face. When I come to my senses, I realize exactly who I fell on top of.


He and I lock eyes for a few seconds, something crossing his face. I hope it’s not recognition, because last night we were in the same position. I quickly push myself up and brush off my coat. Hunter stands, too.

“What do you want?” I ask, still straightening my coat.

Hunter glances back at his house. “Uh, Jennifer and I wanted to invite you over for dinner again, since you couldn’t make it last time.”

Figuring they won’t stop asking until I oblige, I say, “When?”

Hunter’s jaw drops a little in shock. “I, uh…  five?”

I nod, biting the inside of my cheek. “I don’t like any foreign foods or anything that lives in the water.” I don’t give him any time to respond because by the time he opens his mouth to speak, I’m already out of my yard on my way to work.

By the time I arrive, I’m almost late. I hurry into my cubicle and set my things down onto my desk. Just as I’m picking up the phone, my boss pokes his head out of his office. When he sees that I’m not late, he gives me a brief nod before ducking back out of sight.

My boss and I aren’t very close, but he’s my uncle’s friend, so he’s kind of taking the place of my uncle since he went to jail. Since my uncle never played a part in my life, my boss is acting more like a family member than anyone ever has towards me.

After lunch, I hear a few of my coworkers chatting. I catch them talking about Little Birdie, so I eavesdrop very inconspicuously.

“Yeah, that Jennifer Realms chick wrote an article on it.”


“Yeah. You can check it out online, there’s a lot of buzz going on about it.”

I tune out and turn to my computer, quickly typing up the latest news in Nashville. Sure enough, Jennifer Realms’s article about Hunter Hayes pops up. I click on it. A picture of Hunter loads at the top with a picture of Little Birdie, still unidentifiable, beside it.


Yesterday, June 10, 2017, Hunter Hayes was walking back home after a day at the studio creating music. Hayes was casually walking down the street, minding his own business, when Little Birdie tackles him, seemingly out of nowhere. Hayes experienced no injuries except for a few scrapes, but he was still shocked. In his moments of shock, Little Birdie fled the area, leaving Hayes to wonder why he would be so violently attacked, and who assaulted him.

I don’t read the rest of the article. The first paragraph is enough. I knew that Hunter would tell someone, but why’d he lie? Why didn’t he give up my identity? I know for a fact that he at least saw some of my face.

Maybe I misjudged Hunter for being an attention-seeking celebrity. Maybe he is a decent guy.

Whatever he may be, I still tell my boss that I feel really sick and that I have a migraine. He lets me go home, but it’s my last sick day so the next time I take off will count against me and my paycheck.

I use the rooftops to get home again, not really wanting to deal with anybody else today. When I do get home and slip in through the window, I go downstairs and take out my anger on another plate.

Hunter’s P.O.V.

I hold the phone up to my ear. It rings for a while until Jennifer picks up.

“Hey, Hunt-”

“Why did you lie?” I ask, trying to keep my temper low.

“What are you talking about, babe?”

“The article. About my encounter with Little Birdie?”

“Oh. Hunter, sweetie, I’m a journalist and I need stories. You being saved isn’t as big as you being attacked.”

I can feel my face getting hot with anger. I keep it out of my tone. “So making Little Birdie  look like a criminal who assaulted a country music artist isn’t why you lied?”

She sighs. “Hunter, you and I both know that she needs to be off the streets as soon as possible. She’s just getting in the way of the authorities.”

“Well, if you actually listened, you’d know that I don’t share that opinion with you.”

“What do you think of her, then?”

I run my hand down my face. “Look, Jen, I just don’t appreciate you twisting my words without my permission.”

“Sorry. I’ll ask next time.” There’s a noise in the background. “Hey, I’ll talk to you when I get home. It’s going to be another long day here, so can you pick up dinner? I should be able to make it home to eat with Joslyn and you.”

“Sure. Don’t overwork yourself.”

“I won’t. Love ya.”


I hang up, pinching the bridge of my nose. Sometimes Jennifer can be so tough to deal with. One minute she’s totally head-over-heels for me, and then the next she’s cold or distant, or even demanding. I wish I could understand why.

There’s another crash from Joslyn’s house.

I wish I could also understand what’s going on with my odd neighbor.

Secret Identity ▶▶A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction◀◀Where stories live. Discover now