Blue and Red (Nate Diaz)

Start from the beginning

"Are you the person the cops are chasing?" he asked, my body shivering with cold sweat.

But instead of answering an actual word, I only managed to nod. Better than mumbling.

"P-please don't kill me"

"Depends, why are the cops chasing you?" he asked again

"I robbed a store-"


"Because I need the money" I answered, swallowing whatever I need to swallow "The money I make isn't enough, I need the money for my brother" I explained further, hoping whoever this guy is would understand

"How old is he? Is he sick?"

"7, but he's at the orphanage. I can't take him in because they said the money I make isn't enough." I said, my body trembling and words shaking.

"Why is he there?"

"My dad died, so I left to New York but the company I was working for shut down. I went back but I found out my mom died by depression, my brother was sent to the orphanage. I was 17 then, I'm 21 now. I can adopt him, I just need the money" I said, hoping he would just let me go "Please, if you're going to kill me, please make sure my brother is safe. Please take him in" I begged, not for my life but for mh brother's.

"Alright Veronica, I'll spare your life. I don't want kids" He said and let me go, I quickly walked away from his grasp and wiped my tears away.

"Thank you" I said, about to grab my bag but he stepped on it, preventing me from taking it.

From the ground, I looked up at him "I need the money-"

"Not like this. I'll give you a job, it's not easy money but one pay is maybe a year of whatever your salary is" he said, picking the bag up.

I then get to my feet and shook her head "I can't do that, a family is about to get my brother in 3 months, I need the money now."

"I promise you will get your brother, but you have to work for me" He offered again "Or I'll just turn you in-"

"Fine, fine. I'll take it, I'll take it" I said suddenly, waving my hands to his face "What is it anyways?"

"You'll be an amateur fighter at Jits. You'll represent the gym, I'll train you for free" he remarked, throwing the bag on his back.

When he saw I was hesitant, he added "I'll take the money to the prison, you want to join?"

I shook my head then sighed heavily "Fine. I'll do it, just get my brother back, sir"

"Nate, name's Nate"

-2 months later-

"Nice job, your guards are getting better and better" Nate complimented, standing up from the mat and helped me do so.

I push the little hairs back and smiled "Thanks Nate, I have a great teacher" I said as I start to remove my gi

"Lunch?" he asked when his gi was remove, he lended his hand and signal for my gi.

I gave it to him neatly folded and nodded "Yeah, I'll just change" I said and sprinted to the lockers.

I went into the shower and took a quick bath, changing then into jeans and a simple tee then grabbed my shoes.

I then stuffed my items inside my locker and head out, I saw Nate in his denim shorts and tank top.

How to dress fancy 101 with Nate Diaz.

The day after he took me in, I was struggling so bad to keep up on his level, or anyone else's. Even the 8 years old are better than me.

But 2 weeks later, I started to get a hang of it. But also in that Two weeks, I got to know him more, it's where I realized he has a brother somehwere out there doing clinics and that's where I found out about his carreer, a pro UFC Fighter.

And as time passed by, I grew closer to him, and it just was a matter of time when I realized I was falling.

And I realized it was also only a few more days before my brother is adopted.

When Nate and I visited him last week, I found out someone has arranged the papers for him, I can still take him back, and tomorrow is my deadline.
I have enough cash, so I hope it works out.

I then went inside Nate's car as he started to drive towards the burritto selling stall around the corner.

When we got to the place, we ordered for pur usual orders and started a conversation, until his phone rings

"It's Dana, I'll just take this real quick" he said, walking away from me as I nodded, patiently waiting for our food to arrive.

Minutes later, he was still a no show. So, I looked around and saw he left me, with his car.

"What a douche" I breathed out, ready to leave our food that he paid for until his car pulled over.

I was ready to yell at him, until the backseat door opened

And I saw my brother.

Without anymore thoughts, I quickly ran to him and give him a hug, the biggest hug I could ever give.

"Hey buddy, I'm here now" I told him, Nate appearing beside us "You hungry?" I asked, pulling away from the hug as he nodded.

"Very hungry"

"Go inside, there's food ready." And whrn I said that, he immediately went inside, leaving Nate and I alone.

"I thought you don't like kids?" I asked, standing up from my position to face him.

"I promised to bring your brother if you work for me" he answered, handing me a pen and papers "You're now the legal guardian"

"Thank you!" I said, my emotions getting the best of me, kissing him suddenly.

Both of us was shocked, who wouldn't?

"I'm so sorry" I said, pulling back from him but he pulled me closer.

And gave me another kiss. Longer and much better "It's a good thing I didn't get you a puppy"

Hey Veronica! I hope this is okay, this is something I really just played around with.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! (I don't know why I can't mention you here, it pisses me off) ~R

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