Fuck Language (Mickey Gall)

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Fuck the 'It's all sunny and perfect weather today' because it's fucking not

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Fuck the 'It's all sunny and perfect weather today' because it's fucking not. It's not sunny, nor is it close to a perfect weather.

It's a fucking storm right now. I feel like Atlantis would rise up at the middle of the road anytime by all the rain and wind.

Other things that I felt that rose is my blood. I have been stuck in traffic for a good 2 and almost half an hour because of this goddamn storm.

Honking my horn endlessly may not help the stream of cars move, but hey, they may be motivated by it.

While slamming my palms on the wheel, my phone rang and saw it was my very close friend Alan Jouban, who promised me a beautiful weather here in Sacramento.

"JOUBAN! THE WEATHER IN FLORIDA IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN HERE!" I yelled, half of me was just kidding while the other half of me are the habits I picked up from training with thr Diaz bro's over the years.

"Hey, I'm not a weather forecaster or something. Where are you? They're just about to start the press con in 10 minutes since the storm broke some equipment-"

"I know that I'm the main event and all that, but why did Conor got approved of getting late, in the biggest event in MMA History, in a perfectly good weather?" I asked, collecting my stuff and put them in my backpack

"Hey, chill. They're about to start. Don't worry, you're not the only one late. Bye" he said in a singsong tone, like he was teasing me, which I bet he really is.

My first sport ever was MMA, and just that. I didn't have a specific principle or discipline, I hopped into MMA when I was just 7.

I started my Pro-MMA carrer when I was just 16, I went amateur 3 years before that but I noticed it wasn't what I was really looking for.

But still, I took separate classes for BJJ, and that's where I met both of those Diaz brothers who was probably the best BJJ artists I have ever seen.

Years later, the Three of us started training with each other for our UFC carrers.

So now, they took me in like their own sister and I ain't even complaining about that, who in their right mind would?

When I made sure I got all my stuff in my bag, I turn the engine off my car and took the keys.

Next thing you know, I was sprinting off from my car towards the arena where UFC Fight Night: Sacramento will happen.

I got into the arena 30 minutes later and fortunately, the storm turned into rain when I was running on the streets.

I removed my bag and saw people staring at me while I place it down on some stage crate, removed my cap and then placed it on top of my bag.

I went on stage with my hair and clothes dripping, sitting down beside Northcutt, who was in between me and Urijah. The ones fighting at the Red corner.

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