Don't Even (Nick Diaz)

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Requested by TheCandiceJ

I'm not surprised motherfuckers. I'm so sorry it's delayed! I just finished my entrance exam :)


"Babe, I promise you-" I say while tightening up his tie "-you look absolutely badass"

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"Babe, I promise you-" I say while tightening up his tie "-you look absolutely badass"

I stepped to the side and let him see himself at the mirror "I look like Dana White" he muttered when he saw his reflection.

He turns to the side as he criticize the dirty White suit with a Red tie that top it off. 

I understand that Nick -who am I kidding, even his brother- hates wearing suits and tie, I know they would prefer wearing worn down jeans and a shirt. Either a plain Black shirt, Represent merchandise or any Metal Mulisha shirts.

But since we're attending a wedding, and he loves me, and he knows I'm in charge, I told a friend of mine to tailor his suit, everything with exact measurements. That's why one of his plain Black shirt is still in the cabinet and not worn for today.

"Oh shut up" I said when he finally faced himself in the mirror again, hugging him from behind "You're nowhere near Dana, come on babe" I kissed his cheek and pulled his arm out our home, dragging him to our car as I immediately went inside the drivers side when we got outside.

The entire drive was silent, I was the only one singing to Deftones. And when that happens, something is wrong.

I turn the volume down as I stopped for a Red light "It's sunny. We flew here at a town we've never been before and completely private with no expenses whatsoever, enjoy it babe" I said with a bubbly voice, looking straight and Nick looking out the window.

The light turned Green so I started to drive again "I'm sorry about the suit, Nick. But at least be happy about the wedding! Behati! Adam! Be enthusiastic about it!"

"I don't even know who those people are" he mumbled under his breath, sliding down at his seat.

"And I know everyone that circles around you, do the same for me" I said, finally reaching the venue as I handed the valet the car keys.

Nick stopped at the entrance, by the stairs, but I hooked my arm to his pulling him inside.

We stopped at the photobooth section to take pictures and I'll tell you this, he's not enjoying anything that's happening right now.

When we went inside, he immediately sat down on our prescribed seat. I persuaded him to come with me to check on Behati but he didn't budge, so I went alone, like how I felt everytime Nick is with me.

Don't get me wrong, I love Nick and even though he won't say it, he feels the same way to me. It's just that, I'm the one always trying to get to know each other, meet each other's friends, have fun and do all efforts.

After the incident with his ex girlfriend, I tried to be the more enthusiastic one since I know after that incident, he was never a romantic person again.

I'm not even sure if he was ever romantic, but his mom told me he was. So I cut him off some leverage.

After a knock on the door, it opened and saw Behati's mom who is calming her down, along with her dad by her side.


"You look absolutely gorgeous" I greeted her, giving her parents a warm smile and hugged her.

I rubbed her back as she vented out how nervous she was. After we pulled back, I gave her more words of encouragement "Hey, you rocked hundreds of runways. That aisle is just a piece of cake, you'll do great"

"Thank you, Candice. That means alot"

"Adam is very lucky" I said as her mom put the veil on her, our hands still holding each other

"Nick should know how lucky he is to have you" Behati said, looking me up and then as I just paid her a smile

"I hope he does"


"You okay babe?" I whispered as we sat down on the catering table, watching as the other tables were empty and all were on the dance floor

Nick, slumped back on his seat, nodded silently as we watched the ongoing events.

It feels like I would enjoy this if he wasn't with me.

Adam and Behati then came to us and asked to join them. When Nick shook his head, I did the same.

But things got heated when Behati grabbed Nick's hand and tried pulling him from his seat.

He did separated his ass to the chair but not in a complimenting way "Don't touch me" Nick threatened Behati after slamming his hands to the table, bu not enough to earn everyone's attention.

I immediately sprinted in front of Nick as Adam shield Behati behind him "Back off dude"

"Nick, stop it" I said as I pulled him away, he did backed a few meters as Adam consulted on Behati.

I turn back to the newly wedded couple and with the most guilty eyes told them "I'm so sorry guys. You should go back, I'll handle this" they nodded and walked back to the public floor.

Nick went the opposite way to the exit, which made me stalk him with killer heels.

When we got outside, I caught up to him and stirred him around to face me "What's your problem?!"

"My problem?! My problem is that we're fucking different! You want to change me into something I'm not!"

"I'm not changing you! I'm not even trying! What I'm doing is showing you off because I'm happy being with you!" I yelled back at him, my fingers drilling his chest with every word as my frustration leashed out.

I pushed my hair back and after much thinking, including him "Go! You don't want to be here right? Go! And maybe after the effects of all the drinks you've taken, we'll see if you don't want to be with me as well" I said in a monotone voice, leaving him there in the sidewalk as I walk back inside the venue

I can manage on my own. There's no difference even when if I'm with Nick, it was like he wasn't even there all those times.


Anyways, hope you enjoyed this Candice!

One more coming up, request still open ~R

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