Chapter 16: Itachi's Eyes

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"Itachi..." I tried getting up quickly but I felt dizzy immediately and my body fell back down on its own. 

He grabbed me by the shoulders and helped me sit down. "Be careful, you've still got some poison in your system that's going to affect you. The next step is to extract it from your body." He sat next to me trying to be gentle. "Where is it?" He asked me. 

I tried moving my hand to it, but I couldn't and I had to explain it to him, "Well um, Itachi you see, it is kind of sort of between my neck and my collar bone, I'm not sure how you would extract it though." 

"I'm going to suck the poison out." He told me. 

"No!" I yelled at him, "If you extract the poison, you'll be affected too, and I just can't let you take that risk for me." I told him. 

He smiled, or at least I think he was smiling, "You know I'm dead right? This won't affect me, and I won't come back either, so there really isn't anything to worry about." He said to me. He moved his lips closer to my neck and despite the fact he was dead I felt warmth, I felt his dying breath on me. I wondered if this was the dying breath he took when Sasuke killed him. "I'm going to extract the poison now." He said readying me. 

I felt Itachi's lips on my neck and I felt him begin to suck. I felt blood being drawn and he spat it out simultaneously, but it all felt really good, I was stiff and I couldn't adjust myself to be more comfortable. As a shinobi, we are taught how to deal with pain, as it is something to expect, nobody has ever taught us how to deal with a problem involving pleasure. 

I finally decided to say something, "This is odd to me."  

He spit out blood and drew his attention back to me, "And why is that?" 

"You...Itachi it's you. You know I've been in love with you since we were kids right? And you know how much I wanted to be with you. Then you left...I didn't even go back for you...I blamed you, I blamed you for hurting me and not even knowing what it was that you were going through, but now I know the truth, and  now...I was wrong about everything and it's eating me alive." I told him 

He briefly interrupted me, "To be fair, nobody knows everything." 

I pouted, "I know everything it is that I need to know, to know that I made a grave mistake Itachi. I should have left with you, I should have done something. Maybe then you would be alive right now...maybe then you would be here standing next to me, and this war would not be happening." 

He looked down, "I understand how you feel, and I understand the future he wanted." He touched my forehead, and his once beautiful onyx eyes, now dead, looked at me. "But maybe if I hadn't left, things would have been worse too." 


Suddenly everything fell apart and I opened my eyes breathing hard and heavy. I looked  around my surrounding and I could not tell what happened and then suddenly I was calm I relaxed myself a little bit and I realized that I was just in bed. 

I looked to the side and saw a body sleeping, long hair messy and all over the place. One of my favorite sights to see. "Itachi, wake up!" I nudged him. He murmured in his sleep but I kept shaking him, "Itachiiiii," 

He woke up and sat up straight, "What happened, what's wrong?" He asked. 

"I had an awful nightmare." I told him. 

He sat closer to me and he started rubbing my back, "Do you wanna talk about it? I know that it could be hard to face those things, especially now that we have the kids and all." 

I nodded, "Those kids are my life. If anything were to happen to them, and if any of us were gone...I don't know what I would do." 

Suddenly there was an outbreak of crying and I looked around, "I got it this time, You stay in bed, I'll take care of this." Itachi got up and left the room. He was back in seconds with the baby wrapped up in a little blue Uchiha blanket. "Look who missed his mommy." He said handing the blanket to me. 

I smiled and gently grabbed the baby from him, "Good morning my little Angel!" I smiled and our baby smiled as well and closed his eyes. "Awe Itachi, he is so precious. I'm so happy that he looks like his dad." I said to him. 

Suddenly there was running, "Mommy, daddy! You're awake!" Our oldest came running in to the room, "Is Uncle Sasuke coming today? He said he was going to come and that me, him, and daddy were going to train together!" 

Itachi smoothed his hair. Our oldest resembled me more. The jet black hair rather than the Uchiha's blue-black. "We don't know if Uncle Sasuke is busy today, he can't promise he's coming but if he can't, we will train together later." Itachi said flicking his forehead. "For now, I will go make us all some breakfast." 

I smiled scooting over closer to Itachi with the baby still secure in my hands, "Itachi Uchiha, cooking his family breakfast? What is it that you are making?" I asked him. 

"Eggs." He responded. 

I burst out into laughter, and handed him the blanket, "Here, you take care of the kids, and I'll get breakfast started." I gave Itachi a quick peck on the lips and sprang out of bed. 

I pulled out some flour, sugar, and other stuff and started whipping up a meal. Just when I was about to bake/fry everything, there was a knock at the door. I wiped my dirty palms on to my apron and I saw Sasuke at the door smiling. 

"Good morning Sasuke! Have a seat, I was just making some breakfast." 

Sasuke nodded as he came in "Where's my brother?" he asked. 

"Itachi!!!" I called out, "Sasuke is here!" 

Before Itachi came out I heard monstrous little footsteps, "Uncle Sasuke! Uncle Sasuke! Are we training today?" He jumped on to Sasuke's lap. 

Sasuke scooped him up, "Of course we are, where is dad?" 

Itachi walked through into the kitchen with the blanket in his hands, "Sasuke, you came after all." 

"Yeah, I was training with Kakashi and -" 

Suddenly my mind went blank and I dropped everything. Itachi and Sasuke both looked at me, "What's wrong?" Sasuke asked me. 

I began shaking, "This isn't real. None of this is. I looked around for the child all of a sudden, he was gone, Sasuke was gone, and Itachi dropped the empty blanket on the floor, "I'm under your genjutsu...Itachi." 

"Release!" I opened my eyes once again and Itachi was in front of my face, "Why...why would you put me under your genjutsu?" I asked. 

"I wanted to show you...this was the future I wanted to have. This is the future I hoped to have one day. You were what I hoped to have one day...Veena." 

A Love Sprouts From War - A Kakashi Hatake x OC Character Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum