Chapter 11: A Nauseating Night

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*Kakashi's POV*

Veena was falling and I half ran to catch her, but Guy caught her before I could get to her in time. "What happened to her?" I asked grabbing her from Guy.

"Veena was actually the one to revive Lady Tsunade. She said that she used the secret of the ryakugan to help Lady Tsunade. I'm not sure what the secret was. But she really needs to get home and rest." Guy said to me.

"It's fine, I'll take her home." I told him. Guy helped me get her onto my back and I walked out of the council meeting. "You always seem to push yourself way too much." I said to her.

I could have easily taken her home with quick ease, but I wanted to enjoy this moment. I could feel her steady heartbeat against my back, though it almost seemed weak. I didn't know whether or not I should have stayed with her, so when she woke up I'd be there.

I shook my head, taking those thoughts out. Veena and I are on a break. I would simply leave her on her bed and I would leave. It wasn't a very long walk but, I enjoyed it. She was unconscious and I wanted to wake her up.

I entered into her clan and everybody stared at me and started to whisper. I began walking to Veena's home which was in the very corner of the village. I got a better look and thought that if this whole clan still remained standing, she must have stretched out her rock dome far and wide, because there were so many homes still standing.

I reached her house and the elder of the clan came out, "What happened to the girl?" She asked me.

"Veena is okay." I told her.

"I've noticed that you haven't been with her anymore. Probably for the best. That girl is toxic. She will only ruin things for you. The blood of the Hishikawa runs through her veins. She is no good."

"She saved this whole clan, and you will still hate her because of the family she was born into?" I asked her. She couldn't respond, "I'm sorry, but I cannot speak to people like you. You," I paused, "are absolute scum." I smiled at her.

She looked shocked as I opened up Veena's door and slammed it shut behind me so that nobody would disturb us. I lay her down on her bed. I debated about staying for a while, until finally I gave in and I chose to stay with her. It was nighttime now. I would probably just stay with her, but I would sleep on the floor.

I looked around for a bit. I knew she kept extra blankets in a closet, so I got one of those and I pulled out a futon from under her bed, where it should have been. Instead I pulled out a box. I know it was wrong for me to open it, but I did anyway.

I found pictures, but not a lot. I found some of when Veena was a little girl with her parents. Her parents looked very familiar, but of course everybody from the village did. There was another one of her kissing her father's cheek. She was the cutest child ever. I found another one of her at a birthday, and she was posing with what seemed to be like a lion.

I found another picture of Hiashi, that Erika girl, Veena, and another boy who wasn't familiar to me. I also found a book inside the box. Which I assumed was Veena's diary. One peek couldn't hurt.

Dear Diary, Today, my parents died. I only chose to start writing in this because of that event. The pain of losing someone is unbearable, and I have never known it before. I hate it so much. I want to die too. I can't stop crying and there is an aching feeling in my heart. Many have told me that what my parents did was very honorable, but I'm scared. I'm scared and I'm alone. I won't have my home anymore, and I have nobody. I'm not like the Yamanakas or the Uchihas. I'm all alone.

I flipped the page quickly, and I flipped a few more pages until I found a picture in between pages like a bookmark. I looked at the date, and it was the day that Itachi Uchiha killed his whole clan.

A Love Sprouts From War - A Kakashi Hatake x OC Character Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें