17? I think i dunoo

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I updated whaaaaa, this chapter is one of the best.....
guys go read Demi_NeonLightsXX boook it's awesome and she's really sweet so be nice !!!


It's being here in my room ash passed out on my bed, it's like old times just a lot more complicated, life is just complicated everyone has been blowing up our phones because we refused to come out my room and talk. She even flipping snuck out my window to meet the pizza man it was so funny, it's just the little things it's good to have my best friend back. Olivia Chelsea Demi and mar have not stopped blowing up our phones, Olivia just been normal liv quite bitchy and sarcastic, Chelsea is super pissed, Demi and Mar are so confused but maddie knows she's just chilling ahah I love that kid. Here's the weird thing me and ash were looking through my memory box yesterday like we do when we're bored to laugh at ourselves because most of it has got her in it and she's got pictures of her mum with her as like a baby in the hospital bed and pictures when her mum was pregnant with her... I haven't got any of that like none of that maybe there just lost or something I just thought it was weird how everyone has this stuff and I don't maybe I should talk to ma, and pops about it because I don't get it.*BANG BANG BANG* what the fuxk "WHAT THE HELL" "ITS CHELSEA AND OLIVIA OPEN THE DOOR" Chelsea shouted "ERM WHY" "NOW OR ARE YOU TO BUSY HAVING SEX" that's it I've had it *Flies door open* "NO I FUCKIN WASN'T I HAD A NIGHT WITH MY BEST FRIEND SEEN AS MY OTHER TWO WGERE TO BUSY FLIPPING BITCHIN ABOUT ME" "NO WE WASN'T" "DONT FUCKING LIE OLIVIA " "WHY ARE YOU AT MY DOOR ITS SATURDAY GO ENJOY AMERICA" "STOP BEING A FUCKING BITCH" Chelsea steps to my face " HAHAHHA CHELSEA YOUR MY COUSIN YOUR SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO ME AND SEE WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED NOT JUST ASHUME" "IM NOT YOUR COUSIN YOUR FUCKING ADOPTED YOU DONT EVEN LOOK LIKE A TAYLOR , SHIT SHIT SHIT KC IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT" by now there's the rest of the girls what are in the house Ashley is behind me demi and mar are behind Chelsea and Olivia, ermm "er er um er erm" I can't find words is what she said true "Kc I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to say that honestly I was just angry" " is it true" "is what true of course not" " Chelsea" " I don't know I over heard our parents talking a few years ago I don't know if it was you" "okay I'm going " pushing Ashley out my room as tears pour down my face, Ashley just turns and picks me up demi runs in along with Mar shutting and locking the door behind her, "what just happened where a my phone" I whisper as Ashley puts me on my bed *facetime ringing* "hey bab-omg are you okay sweetheart" "is it true mommy" "is what true?" "Am am (cries hard) I adopted " "oh shit Paul(screams her dad)baby baby this is a conversation for us to have in person" "so it's true (cries hard)" " omg baby, love ? Why are you both crying what happened " "Paul she knows" "what how ?!!!!" " I just figured it out no baby pictures and stuff then people on social media said" I'm upset I'm angry but I'm not getting Chelsea in trouble "baby we're going to fly over to you and we'll talk okay, you are our daughter you are our baby okay it's Just a little different okay your mum couldn't have children but we got you baby my little princess my amazing talented little girl who I love more than anything" "I love you daddy so so much I love you momma so so much" "we love you baby we'll be there in 2 days okay ?!!" "Okay momma" "we love you baby" "love you both too"

Everyone in here is just looking at me real hard Chelsea is banging on the door, (walks over and lets her in hugging her) "can we never fight again I'm so so sorry for what I said I was angry and it wasn't my place to say that when I don't know Olivia told me it was her who kissed you" "It's oka cheeks lets not fight again , I just got off of the phone it's true it's okay" "I'm so so so sorry" "no no I'm just lucky I got my ma and pops and you guys as family"
" hey guys " turns to everyone "can everyone chill it's okay I'm okay can we go back to normal and go do your shit and someone send Livy up we need to talk"

The Sister They Never Knew About... (MAYJOR EDITING :O)Where stories live. Discover now