"Where am I supposed to change?"

Flo's face almost dropped as she rolled her eyes

"Oh right, we just have standard bathrooms here with toilets and showers— but no changing room so, have fun with that"

Millie scoffed after hearing this

"So you're saying that he could just watch me change? Do I have any privacy here?"

"Not really"

Flo said shrugging as she turned around and closed the door behind her, locking them in. Opening the small window at the top of the door to say one last thing.

"Change into one of your outfits, lunch is in an hour"

Knowing that everyone had a small 'selection' of somewhat different outfits Millie rolled her eyes and when to her dresser to pick out one of the outfits. Finn laid plainly on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Look, I'm sorry I was a bitch earlier and everything but—"

"Millie, I won't watch you change. I may be a 'delinquent' but I'm not a pervert. I'll lay over on my bed and face my wall whenever you change and you just tell me when you're done, okay?"

Finn said cutting Millie off, surprising her a lot in fact.

"Oh well, okay thanks. If you could just..."

Millie trailed off as Finn turned over on his side now facing his bedroom wall. Leaving Millie to change, she quickly took off her clothes putting them in the hamper at the end of her bed then threw new ones on in fear of Finn looking. But to her surprise, he was still turned over

"I'm done now, thanks."

Millie said quietly

"You're welcome, now may I please have the same treatment you did?"

Finn asked nicely

"But you're a boy?"

Millie said tilting her head

"And that means...?"

Finn asked waiting for an answer

"You don't have anything to hide"

Finn almost dropped his jaw in amazement at how slow Millie was being

"I have a dick don't I?"

He said with annoyance in his tone

"You wear boxers don't you?"

Millie fired back

"Did you want to watch me change or something?"

Finn asked


Millie voice raised

"Then turn the fuck around!"

Finn shouted making Millie huff as she turned over to face her wall. Letting Finn change, he took off his clothes but instead threw them on the floor being too lazy to put them in the hamper. He put on his new 'clothes'

"Okay, you can turn back around"

"I swear to god if your shirt is off or some–"

"It's not, god stop worrying that I'm gonna look at you all the time or that I'm gonna make you look at me! Just chill"

Millie rolled her eyes standing up from her bed and going to her smaller bag that she was allowed to take in after it was checked. Not too throughly though.

Millie took the rather large box of 'pads' out of the bag and put it on her bed.

"Are you on your period or something?"

Finn asked in a disgusted tone

"No, just want a cig"

Millie replied simply

"I think you grabbed the wrong box then"

Millie looked back at Finn after his comment rolling her eyes

"Did you really think that they would let my bag go through security with a box of cigarettes in it? No, look"

Millie said opening the box showing Finn that it contained a couple boxes of cigarettes and a black lighter with a skull on it


Finn said simply

"Want one?"

Finn perked up, was she really offering him something?

"Uh, sure"

Finn had never actually smoked before, he just drank so this was all new to him. But for some reason he didn't want to seem un-cool around her.

Millie took out a single cigarette and the lighter then put the box back

"Where's the 2nd one?"

Finn asked curiously

"Ha, I'm not gonna waste a whole one on you! You'll share one with me"

Millie said laughing while lighting her cigarette. She put the cancer stick to her lips as she inhaled walking over to the rather large window that had some bars over it. The window had a ledge that Millie was sitting on from the inside

As she exhaled she stood back up walking over to Finn she took the cigarette from her lips and handed it to Finn. Who almost too quickly took a big hit of it causing him to break out in a coughing fit. This was a clear sign to Millie that he had never done this before.

She took the stick out of his hands as he coughed and went back to the window

"You should've told me that you've never smoked before, Finn. It's not a good habit to start, no matter your reputation"

Finn tried to laugh nervously only coughing harder. After his coughing fit he tried to get Millie to believe that he was sick, which was no use.

"I'm sorry"

Finn said

"There's nothing to be sorry about Finn, don't worry about it"

This made Finn actually smile for once before he heard a guard scream


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