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if all of my plans fail im starting a cafe and its gonna be the raddest thing ever ok

- coffee names will include swearing such as 'shut the fuck up i didn't sleep' 'kawaii bitch-ass sakura frappuchino' and 'i have finals bring me death'

- lemonade etc will be served in transparent capri-sun like bags and you can get a 50 cent discount if you take it with you to refill because let's ! reduce ! waste !

- raw cookie dough simply so i can eat a whole fucking bunch of it daily because we dont have that here and i n eed i t 

- it's gonna be pastel as fuck. like, as fuck

- like pastel to the level of bitch youre gonna get your shit in a hello kitty themed take out bag

- but not really gotta stay classy

- all of the food will be gordon rasmay ™ because i must honour him

- small iwaizumi shrine in the corner no one can stop me

- cats. but like, you don't' know when they'll be here. sometimes they'll pop out, just like that, and now you have a cat. you're welcome. i just saved your monday

- discounts on large drinks on mondays because i sympathize (yes i can afford this i am an economist ™)

someone donate five euro so i can do this thank

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