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i've gotten some questions about the lack of my stories and the answer is, i unpublished / deleted them.

i've had really bad anxiety for the past week or so and it's really getting to me. i can't draw anymore, i have weird tendencies and people scare me. my mom's falling in to her winter depression and i'm probably also affected by that genetically, plus i'm hypersensitive which drives me insane since every noise or movement can tick me off.

i've been pushing myself to update not only for my readers but also because i want to start new stories. it's frustrating. i want to write but i have no plot, just like i want to draw but i don't know what i want to draw. the result has been a lot of crappy, half-assed chapters finished around eleven in the evening where i'm absolutely exhausted and my eyes close every three seconds. let's face it: they're crappy. my stories start out good until the plot gets... weird, and it all just goes down the drain.

i know a lot of people will probably be like 'they're not crappy!' but they are. they're not what i want them to be and i get so upset over it because writing is the last thing i can hold on to to be proud of, and i'm messing that up too.

some of them have been deleted and won't come back, others i might publish again. (if you wanna know about a specific one you can ask)

anyway byE

megan fails at lifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin