Hera, Adonia, and Amphitrite Aren't as Bad as Mortals Think

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I brought them all together, but now they might get destroyed because of me.

     I am laying on my bed, when Adonia, Amphitrite, Hera, and Hestia teleport into my room

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     I am laying on my bed, when Adonia, Amphitrite, Hera, and Hestia teleport into my room. Adonia sees the tears in my eyes, runs to me, and grabs me in a body crushing embrace. She releases me and says, "Oh Artemis. What did he do to you? I have never seen you this upset. Has he broken you?"
    I just shake my head and say, "He has not broken me. I am just as strong, of not stronger, before I was captured. He did unspeakable things to me, and made me do unspeakable things to him. No one will ever break me, for I am Artemis. Goddess of the hunt, virginity, and the moon. The moon is unbreakable and strong. The moon will never fall into another person's grasp." All of them were smiling at me, and they grabbed me into an embrace at the end of my speech.
     Hestia lets go and says to me, "My beautiful, strong Artemis. You have gotten even stronger from this. No one will capture you ever again. You have learned from your mistakes, and you have become more amazing because of this. You have come out on top, and escaped without any assistance. The Gods and Goddesses are now calm and rational that you are back, and we will have a war. The greatest war since the war that made the Titans fall, and us rise." I nod and we all head out to the throne room.
    Athena is speaking to the council, "We must be rational about this brother. We mustn't go into this war recklessly. We must plan, and use our strengths to our advantages." Zeus nods but Ares yells, "No sister! We must go now! We must attack now and make them bleed and suffer! We must kill Porphyrion and his army for what he did to Artemis! Don't you want to honor her?" Athena rolls her eyes and says, "We will not be honoring her by losing and being tortured. We mustn't go into this so quickly, for we will fall if we do. We should send out some of Artemis's huntresses and have them scout out the army. See who he has on his side, and see what his plans are." 
     I say, "I will tell my best two scouts, and have them go scout out the army. I am sure that they will accept this task.". Athena nods and tells me to send them out right away. I nod and walk over to my huntresses.
"Alania, Zacharia, I will be sending you two on this mission. You will scout out the army camp, and do not get caught, or be seen. Understood?" Zacharia nods her head and Alania says, "I'm so sorry, my lady. I'm so sorry I let you be captured. I shouldn't have run, I should have stayed. Will you ever forgive me, my lady?" I shake my head, laughing, and say, "You did nothing wrong Alania. You followed my orders. You girls would not have been safe if you didn't. For that, I am great full. I forgive you, you did nothing wrong." She nods and walks off with Zacharia to see Hecate to know where to go.
I walk back to my room, telling my friends I need some time alone. I walk past the tall pillars leading to my room. I pass my door, and go into the room where all of my animals are living in. I enter and Lela prowls towards me. I get down on my knees, and pet her smooth, white fur. She licks my face, then goes and plays with Luna. I chuckle and walk over to my most sacred animal, the stag. "Hello Mina."
She turns her sweet eyes to look into my soul. Stags have that power to look into people's souls. They understand how mortals and immortals are feeling at all times. I put my arms around her neck, very carefully, and start to cry. I hear her melodious voice slip into my mind and say, "What is wrong, my child? What is troubling you?" I look into her eyes again and say, "I was captured and tortured by Porphyrion. He did things to me that I cannot speak of. He made me do things to him that I cannot speak of." She says, "So show me." I felt tears run down my face, as I send my memories of my time with Porphyrion.
I see tears well up in her big, brown eyes, and she says to me, "You do not deserve that my dear child. Just know that you are still the Goddess of virginity, and no one can take that from you. You are still a virgin as you want to be. You are so strong my child. No one an take your strength away. You are the strongest Goddess. All of the Gods and Goddesses depend on you. Your huntresses depend on you. You give them all strength. Do not fret about this my child. He will get his dues soon enough."
"Thank you Mina. I needed to show someone and hear them speak to me about it. Thank you for being that someone. Thank you." I kiss the center of her forehead, and leave to go to my room.
When I get to my room, I see Calipia sitting on my bed, waiting for me. She says, "May I see your memories of your time with Porphyrion? I did not ask my mother to share them with me, but I did want to ask you." I look at her, confused, and ask, "Your mother?" She nods her head and says, "My mother is Mina. Do you not see the similarities between us?" My eyes widen and I say, "Your mother is Mina? Is that why my brother chose you to have your powers because you are already able to access things like that?" She nods and touches my arm, and I am transported into her mind.
I see her being born, just like how Athena was born. Mina thought of her, so much and so often, that she became a physical being. I see her going through her early stages of life, by her mother's side. I see her transform into her stag form, and back into her human form. I see her on the day she 'found' me. Her mother showed, and lead her to me one day, so that Calipia could be protected. Mina couldn't protect her any longer, so she lead her to the Goddess she trusted most, me. I brought Calipia under my wing immediately, and brought her to the other huntresses.

         Calipia lets go of my arm, and I am taken out of her memories. She is smiling at me, and her green eyes are glowing neon. She transforms into her stag form and gets off of my bed. I run my hand over her sleek fur and she transforms back into her human form. Calipia jumps back onto my bed, and I touch her arm to transfer my memories of my time with Porphyrion.
When I let go of her arm, she has tears running down her face. She says, "You did not deserve that Artemis. You are so strong. No other God or Goddess could have survived that like you did." She embraces me and walks out of my room. I feel her soul go to her mother. I shake my head, and teleport to the hearths of Olympus.
Hestia is back to tending the fires at the moment. She smiles when she sees me and says, "Hello. Have you seen Calipia and her mother?" I nod and say, "I finally understand why Apollo chose her to have that gift. I knew she looked familiar, and I always wondered why Mina brought her to me. I wanted to know how she found her and why she brought her to me. Now I know." Hestia nods, and goes back to tending her fires. She says whilst staring into the, "Be careful of the war that is coming Artemis. You and your Huntresses, and the Gods, and the Goddesses. You all need to be wary. Do not underestimate Porphyrion and his army, my dear friend. Please, please heed my warning more carefully this time. Please Artemis, I do not want you to get hurt again. I care for you too much." I nod and teleport out of Olympus.



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