The Beginning

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"Max, come on! Wake up or you'll be late to your first day at your new school! I made you breakfast!" Max groans, turning to face the wall. It's been about a week since he moved in with David and Gwen, and after a very awkward conversation between the two adults, it had been decided that they would indeed share his bed.

"Fuck off, David." He responds, to which he hears the sound of someone clearing their throat in the corner of the room. He doesn't have to roll over again to see who it is. "Would both of you just leave me alone? I don't want to go."

He hears a faint sigh, followed by feet shuffling out of the room. David made the mistake of letting him sleep past noon the entire week before school started. Although, there's still someone in the room. He groans once again, rolling over to glare at the olive-skinned woman. "Didn't you hear me? Go play with your boy-toy and leave me alone."

She doesn't move, just standing there with her arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. "You know you're going to have to go, right? It doesn't matter how much you complain; You're going to go." She states simply, not leaving any room to argue.

Max just glares at her, finally deciding to sit up in bed. He watches her as she makes her way over to his dresser, pulling out a t-shirt and jeans before tossing them at him. Max catches them on instinct. "Get dressed."

"What the fuck is your problem today? Did you and David have a bad time last night?" He asks in a mocking tone, but the look she gives him causes him to stop talking. Lady sickness. The phrase popped into his head, and he figured that's what it was. He figured he shouldn't say anything, though. That look was actually pretty threatening. "Whatever. Just get out so I can change."

She softens her expression slightly, allowing her hands to fall to her sides. Honestly, it really is "lady sickness." She walks back into the living room, curling into a ball on the couch next to the small plastic trash can on the ground. She hugs her stomach tightly, violently vomiting into the trash can. David walks in, looking his usual cheerful self, when his face falls and he rushes over to her side.

"Oh my gosh! Gwen, are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks, instantly pressing the back of his hand against her forehead as he crouches in front of her. A look of concern spreads across his features as he attempts to understand what she's mumbling.

"I'm fine... happens... month... first day... be fine... couple hours..." Is what he's able to hear. He catches the word "month" and his eyes widen. He honestly has no experience with this sort of thing.

"Oh, I--What do you need? Chocolate? Mydol? Heating pad? I've heard those things work. Gwen, what do you need? I'll get it for you!" He says anxiously, worried for his... friend. She begins to speak again and he leans forward, making sure he hears what she says.

"David, I need you... to go away." She says, lightly pushing him back. "Just take care of the kid. Don't worry about it." She says, sitting up with a groan of pain. She sways slightly, although she manages to stabilize herself. David looks slightly disappointed, but goes anyways.

He walks back to the door to Max's room, knocking lightly at it. "Max, are you ready? Don't forget to get some brea--" He then gets cut off by the young boy swinging the door open, narrowly avoiding hitting David in the face. He automatically walks over to the kitchen, hands stuffed into the pocket of his hoodie.

"Yeah, I know. Food. Whatever." He says, not sounding the slightest bit amused by anything at the moment. David follows him into the kitchen, watching as he gets some chocolate chip waffles, which he's discovered are Max's favorite breakfast food, and drowns them in syrup before adding a few strips of bacon to the plate.

David watches him wolf down the food as though he hasn't eaten in days as he always does. And as every day, he has the same internal question. Did they never feed him there? And as every day, he shakes his head to dismiss the thought from his head. "I'm giving you a ride to school today, since it's your first day. You'll have to ride the bus other than that, though." He says, sounding apologetic at the second half of his miniature announcement.

Max finishes his food, grabbing his backpack from the back of one of the chairs and heading to the door. Once he gets there, he turns back. "Well? You're giving me a ride, right?" He asks the older male, who then approaches him at the door. David turns to Gwen as he walks past her.

"I'll be back soon, Gwen." He says softly, to which he only got a soft groan in response. He frowns slightly for a moment before reverting to his usual smile as he faces Max. "Alright, let's go!" He says happily, opening the door as he grabs his keys.

"Yeah, see ya, Gwen." Mutters the boy before walking out the door. He readjusts the rather bulky bag as he walks towards David's old station wagon. He scoffs at the vehicle. No matter how many times he's seen it, he can't get over how awful it is. He gets in the passenger's seat, looking out the window.

David lingers inside for a moment, unsure of whether or not he should leave Gwen alone when she's in this condition. After a little bit, she glares at him. "I'll see you soon." He says before walking outside, gently shutting the door behind him. He walks over to his beloved car, patting the hood affectionately before getting in the driver's seat. "Let's get you to your first day of school!" He says before turning on the ignition and beginning to drive away from their house.

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