As classes passed, Aiko began to feel relief as no one intruded in to join the class. When lunch came however, instead of happiness from her sister, came dreadfulness. 

"What's up with you?" Aiko asked.

"Well, I got the bully in my class instead of a different class." Amaya answered. "She's just lucky she didn't make me break anything of her's yet."

"Shall we go and eat?" asked Hokuto.

"Yea, I need to eat my way out of anger." Amaya replied. 

Once outside, everyone began to eat but Aiko. She stared down at her food, poking it gently with her chopsticks. A hand was then placed upon her shoulder and Aiko glanced up at her sister, who gently smiled. Aiko glanced back down at her food with sorrow. Amaya tried to consult her as Aiko stayed silent. She then finally spoke when Amaya told her it was okay.

"I was staring at the door every 10 minutes during all my classes so far, hoping that she wouldn't enter in. I didn't want to see her face. I already have three bullies in my class, I don't want a fourth bully in my class." 

"I'm more glad that she's not in your class. You don't need to suffer anymore pain from her." Amaya replied.

Aiko nodded once as her sister began to hold her in a hug. 

As he ate, Hokuto stayed standing up, leaning against the tree and looking down at the siblings. Without approaching them, he watched them.

When art class came later in the day, today's assignment was to finish up upon the face drawings and if finished, to learn the "art of shading". With Aiko and Hokuto being the only students that have finished, they began to practice the "art of shading." As they did however, Aiko glanced up at Ayano and her group of friends, who were talking and when they glanced at Aiko, they looked at each other and started laughing. Not wanting to know anymore, Aiko looked back down at her drawing but before she could continue, her chin was suddenly lifted up by the end of a pencil as she met eyes with Hokuto. Hokuto stared at her for three seconds before removing the pencil to continue with his drawing. Almost glancing at jealousy, Aiko instantly continues drawing.

When class ended, Aiko took a quick glance at Hokuto's drawing, noticing how impressive it has gotten. The shade made the picture stand out even more. It was almost as if it was being put to life.

Once the drawings were handed in, Hokuto and Aiko exited the classroom, in search of Amaya. Not being able to find her, they go to her homeroom, Room 1-B, which is also their science classroom. When they entered in, they noticed Amaya and the science teacher speaking. Amaya gave them a signal to hold on without looking away from the teacher. Following directions, Aiko and Hokuto waited for her outside the classroom. 

"I wonder what happened." said Aiko.

"It is best to ask when Ms. Fuji is finished." Hokuto replied.
After 5 quiet minutes, Amaya finally exited the classroom with a straight face upon her. 

"There you are." said Aiko.

"Yea, sorry about that. I was just getting spoken to, that's all." Amaya replied. 

"About what?" asked Aiko. "Did you do something wrong again?"

"Well, you know how Jacklyn transferred into my classroom?" asked Amaya. Aiko nodded once. 

"You see, Jacklyn went over to me during my history class and she said to me that she saw us eating with Hokuto and she asked if I was jealous that for once, you're actually being loved and she also said that you would probably love to have someone actually love you in life so you may end up running away with Hokuto. So I snapped and ended up grabbing her roughly by the collar of her uniform and my history teacher saw and apparently told my homeroom teacher since I was called over to his desk at the end of the day. Luckily, I only got a scolding and not a detention."

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