A lump starts to form in my throat, knowing that Simon didn't like what was happening.

I squeeze Simons hand, "Babe, it's not a mistake. We can have twins, we've done it before." I say looking at Anika and Ashlyn. He looks down resting his eyes to the floor.

His face becomes reddish, "Exactly we've done it before, and we know how stressful it is. And five children Adele! Five! We can't have five chil-"

I lift Simons head to make eye contact, "Hey babe. We can do this, let's not yell about this right now, okay."

He moves his mouth to speak but before he does I put my finger to his lips. 

Slowly he closes his mouth, calming a little. 

He nods his head in agreement then moves out of my way, and makes his way to the dining room. 

I watch as he sits down and starts rubbing his face stressfully. I let out a sigh as my mum walks up to me and gives me a hug.

"You weren't expecting this were you?"

"No," I break down starting to cry, Laura takes Anika, Ashlyn, and Angelo to the playroom knowing watching Simon and I stress out isn't the best thing.

"Sh sh sh, it's okay Adele," she comfortingly says rubbing my back. I bury my head into her shoulder crying even harder.

Daniel slowly walks over to the dinner table to where Simon is. He sits down next to him and stares at him.

Simons POV

I feel the sense of someone walking in the room, sitting next to me. Looking up to see Daniel staring sadly at me.

"Hey man," he says breaking the silence. I rest my hands back to my head trying to take in what just happened.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but you'll get over it soon. Five children are gonna be a big responsibility man. I have no idea how you're going to do i-," he stops at I look up at him," Oh um, sorry that's not helping is it?" I shake my head.

"I just don't get it. Five children," I pause taking a deep breath, "I told Adele in the first place I didn't want any more children after Angelo. Not only did she get pregnant, and I had to force myself to be okay with it because my girlfriend wanted another kid. I had to be okay with it, I mean I can't leave her after everything. But now we are having not just one, but two more kids." I feel a tear slip from my eye, I never cry in front of anyone but Adele. 

"Hey, it's going to be okay. You're gonna do amazing, I mean you already do and I have no idea how you do it. I mean I don't even have any children I already have my hands full taking care of just Laura,"  he chuckles, " I couldn't manage taking care of Laura, three kids and her being pregnant with two more. You're doing an amazing job, Simon, keep it up. I know you will do just fine."

I look up, "Wow thanks, Dan. That actually meant a lot, I needed to hear that! You really think I can do it?"

He nods, "Of course, I mean you are Adele's partner, aren't you." we both laugh, he leans in giving me a man hug, "Now go back in the kitchen and show her that your okay, she's worried."

I nod walking back into the kitchen. 

Penny and Adele are both hugging and crying, "Can I steal her for a second." I whisper to Penny. 

She nods letting go of Adele, Adele confusingly looks up into my eyes. 

Staring at her for a minute, I pull her into my arms, and she rests her head on my chest. 

I being to rub her hair, "Babe, I'm okay with this, we are going to have twins. Can you believe that! Twins! I can't wait to see them," she looks up at me. 

We stare at each other for a while. I smile continuing, "They are going to look as beautiful as you do, I can see it now."

She gives me a tiny smile and locks eyes with me. "Simon... Are you sure your okay with this."

"Absolutely." This time I feel more confident in my answer. 

I'm going to have 5 beautiful children with the best women on earth.

What more can I ask for?

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