Many Shades of Black

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Anikas POV

"Good morning, good morning, good morning. It's time to wake up, good morning, good morning, good morning, it's time to rise and shine." I hear mum and dad sing, my room shakes as they dance and jump around.

Groaning I throw a pillow over my head, "Stop, go away I'm too tired! Mum, you don't like when people wake you up and neither do I."

I hear mum stomp over to me. She bends down lifting up my pillow, "But babe it's your birthday, get up. We have so much planned for you and Ashlyn today." I look at her not impressed, still not hearing a good reason to why I should get up. 

I squint open my eyes as her smile slowly turns into a smirk, "If you get up, you can help your father and I wake Ashlyn up."

Suddenly I spring out of bed, sprinting to Ashlyn room before mum and dad even have time to follow. 

I throw open the door and yell, "Fire!" I yell.

She doesn't move a bit so I quickly run to her bed and jump up and down making sure to jump on her legs.

She shoots straight up, "What the heck Anika! Get out of my room, I never told you that you were allowed in here."

"But, but, but-" I stumble over my words acting speechless.

"But what," Ashlyn yells angry.

"But fire." I blurt. 

She looks around not knowing what to do, her head turns in all directions. 

She quickly jumps out of bed and grabs my arm. Running to the door trying to escape. But before she reaches it she bumps right into mum and dad.

She halts to a stop being blocked out by mum and dad, "Go! Go! Go, there's a fire." Ashlyn screams in mums face trying to get around them. 

They both stand there confused.

Dad looks at me and laughs, "there's no fire, Ashlyn."

Ashlyn turns around confused and looks at me, "There's not?"

"No honey," mum chuckles. 

Ashlyn crosses her arms and stands there frozen for a second, then she gives me the death stare. She quickly races towards me making me fall to the ground. Before I knew it we were in a full out tackle.

I groan after awhile, "Stop! Stop get off. I was just joking around."

"That's not funny to joke about," she yells getting off of me and walks down the stairs. 

Adeles POV

I stand in the kitchen with Simon and Angelo, we have been up for hours decorating for Ashlyn and Anika's birthday party today.

 Laura was supposed to help this morning but she seemed to be running behind, so we did it ourselves. It's not as good as Laura would have done it but we managed. 

We went for a beach theme, we put dark and light blue streamers across the walls for an ocean look, golden streamers hung shaped as a huge sun on the staircase. We have beach balls covering the floor, with little sea creature decorations scattered everywhere. But then outside was the real party. Laura wanted to decorate that so we are leaving it for her.

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