Turning Tables

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Adeles POV 

Simon and I both have been impatiently pacing around the waiting room for what feels like a lifetime.

We both have our hands buried in our heads.

This is our first severe accident with one of our kids.

We're both scared thinking about what we could have done to prevent this, and what we can do in the future to help it not happen again.

I suddenly freeze not being able to take this any longer I stand there and burst out crying.

Simon quickly runs to me, "Babe what's wrong?" He gently places his hands on me, "Honey, look at me, what happened?"

I cry harder, "Simon I can't do this any longer. I'm the worst mother ever for letting this happen. I need my baby. I really don't know how to handle this. I just can't stand not knowing if my baby is okay. I don't only miss her, but I miss my other babies at home. I haven't seen them in forever and I just want to be home Simon," I uncontrollably cry harder. 

I feel him carefully pull me into his arms gently stroking his hand through my hair.

"I know baby. This is hard for you, but I promise once she comes out of surgery we will go straight home. Everything will be normal again. Just calm down take deep breaths. Everything is okay." He repeats whispering, "Everything is okay."

Just hearing his calm voice makes me feel better.

I have no idea how he does it.

Everything is better with him, if I didn't have him in my life I have no idea how I would get through anything.

He stands there swaying me back and forth in his arms.

I slowly stop crying and try controlling my breathing.

Soon enough I feel my eyes become heavy and they start to close.

I can still feel Simon holding me in his arms as he whispers in my ear.

Oh, how much I would love to feel him hold me for the rest of my life.

I jump to the sound of Simons' voice rise, "Ashlyn!" I quickly release from Simons' arms and run to the door. 

I watch as my little baby girl slowly walks in with doctors by her side.

"Baby I love you so much." I cry as I run up to Ashlyn and hug her harder than ever.

Simons eyes well up with tears as he runs and wraps his arms around Ashlyn and me, joining in our hug. 

We stand there, just taking the moment in.

"Umm.. guys you can let go now," Ashlyn says with a weak laugh.

We all laugh as the doctor explains how everything went.

"Ashlyn just needs a few days of rest and therapy and she will be completely back to normal soon." He finishes with a smile. "Happy Holidays!"

"Can we go home?" Ashlyn tiredly asks after the doctor finished talking about therapy and walks away.

"Finally, sweet cheeks," I say with a chuckle as we start to walk out of the hospital.

"Mummy I told you not to call me that," Ashlyn replies with a laugh as she playfully elbows me.

"I'll stop calling you that, as soon as you stop calling me mummy. Then I know you are turning into a young lady."

"Fine, mumm- mum I mean." She laughs, Simon and I join her.

My baby was alright. 

She really was alright.

I think as I smile to myself as I feel Simon slip his hand into mine.

I can feel my life slowly coming back together again.

For now.

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