Alex locks the door to her penthouse and turns around, she sees Kol smiling wide at her from the couch.

"How did your day go?" Kol asks. "Besides for Davina sending you an emergency note."

"Well, I saved your brother, and Aurora appears to be a complete lunatic," Alex says, she unzips her jacket and Kol spots the dried blood on her neck.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Kol asks, he stood from the couch and walks up to her.

"Aurora shot me in the neck," Alex says, Kol nods his head as he examines her neck. "The bullet is destroyed."

"All right, good, but you're all right?" Kol asks, Alex nods her head as she removes her jacket. "You bled a lot."

"Really? I didn't notice when my shirt became soaked with blood." Alex says, Kol rolls his eyes. "Oh, before I forget the best part, I manipulated the darkness as well."

"And who was the test subject?" Kol asks.

"Aya," Alex says.

"Aya, Aya from the Strix?" Kol asks, Alex nods her head.

"She's very much human now," Alex says.

"Oh, you're getting stronger and stronger each day," Kol states, a knock on the door interrupts them. "That's my brother." Alex turns around seeing as she hadn't had the chance to walk away from the door, she unlocks the door and looks up at Elijah.

"Look who's still alive," Alex says, Elijah chuckles but stops once he spots the dried blood on her neck. "How did you know where I stayed?"

"Hayley confessed," Elijah says, Alex nods her head.

"So, what can I do for you?" Alex asks.

"I'm here to thank you," Elijah says.

"Well, go on, I'm all ears," Alex says, a smile growing on her lips.

"You've become quite confident." Elijah states.

"Because I'm braver now," Alex says. "I'm not a fragile little human anymore."

"Right." Elijah softly says. "Thank you, for not only helping my brother and me but Hayley as well." Alex nods her head. "She said that you stripped Aya of her vampirism?"

"I've been itching to test that out on someone," Alex says, It became silent for a moment, neither of them saying a word.

"For the love of it, just kiss already!" Kol loudly says, Alex moves one of her arms behind her back and shows him the middle finger. "Rude."

"Was there anything else?" Alex asks.

"Yes, about this morning." Elijah begins, Alex lifts her hand to silence him.

"No, no," Alex says. "You said enough this morning."

"You did not allow me to say anything." Elijah states.

"Silence speaks louder than words," Alex says.

"You caught me off guard," Elijah says, Alex lets out a sigh.

"All right, fine, I'll allow you to answer the question," Alex says.

"Thank you," Elijah says. "You were not a lost cause, not were you a charity case for me, you weren't a plaything either and you were not there to be entertainment when I became bored." Alex slowly nods her head. "But I will admit, at first it was an experiment, but then I genuinely wanted to help you, I did not want somebody with so much life in them to kill themselves with narcotics and alcohol poisoning."

"Your words didn't help much," Alex says.

"And I will never forgive myself," Elijah says. "When I returned, you were gone."

"I was an experiment to you?" Alex asks. "What kind?"

"I wished to see why humans invest so much time with a human being that was slowly killing themselves," Elijah says. "I wanted to see why they bothered trying, and slowly, I started to actually care."

"You know, that's almost just as horrible as being a charity case or entertainment," Alex says, she was hurt by him. "What did you discover?"

"When I showed up to your home, and it was empty, I thought you had died," Elijah says. "It dawned on me that I grew attached to you, and I did not want you to be dead, I grew to care about you, and realized that, that is why humans help others."

"Because they care for each other, and they don't want to see somebody closer to them suffer, silently destroying themselves," Alex says, Elijah nods his head.

"I did not want to see you suffer anymore, I hated seeing you hurt, destroying yourself," Elijah says.

"It's going to take a while before I can forgive you," Alex says. "Especially now that I know that I was an experiment."

"It was not my intentions to hurt you," Elijah says, Alex nods her head. "What happened after you left?"

"I moved to Las Vegas, finished my school year there, before attending university," Alex says.

"What were you studying?" Elijah asks.

"Veterinarian," Alex says. "But I was killed, and never got to finish."

"I want to know everything that had happened to," Elijah says. "What you are, what you can do, I want to trust you, and I can't do that without knowing what you are."

"Trust? Elijah, I don't trust you right now either." Alex says. "But I'll tell you what I am."

"Invite him in," Kol says.

"We're going to have to work together, I might still care about you, but my trust will have to be earned this time," Alex says, Elijah nods his head. "Would you like to come in?"

"I would love to," Elijah says, Alex steps aside and Elijah enters her apartment, Kol becomes visible to him. "Kol?"


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