Chapter 7 - Assassination #2

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Evangelina sat under the same cherry blossom tree she sat under the other night. If observed closely, you could clearly see she was moving to the beat of a song. She had a rare smile on her face, one shown only at times of pure peace.

Sitting next to her were her other two personalities, listening to their own desired songs. While Lumina was dancing around the tree listening to pop songs, however, Midnight was immobile, just listening to the heavy metal song playing through her headphones. 

Even though the music was blasting through each individual pair of headphones, the three of them all jerked their heads up when they noticed a blonde female with her hair in a bun complete with a buzz cut. Evangelina calmly removed her headphones.

"So, here to kill me? Your previous attempt could have used some improvement." Evie said this in a wry and amused manner.

Cassie wasn't fazed by that comment. In fact, she had been against the idea. "I'm actually here to apologize. I wasn't onboard with the whole 'eliminate a contestant so that we can kill other people' idea."

Evangelina shrugged. "I didn't care, actually. I wanted a distraction, anyway. I was getting really bored. But I doubt that you came all the way here to tell me that."

Cassie nodded. "I wanted to warn you. Earthrealm and Outworld have formed a temporary alliance to erase your existence. And, there are very dangerous opponents ahead, and they won't hesitate to kill you if they're given a chance."

Evangelina scoffed. "Tell me something I don't know. I had eavesdropped on both meetings, which is why I was prepared. In fact, there's going to be another assassination attempt in about an hour. Same losers, apparently."

Cassie then seemed to finally acknowledge the other two beings. "They're new. Friends of yours?"

Evangelina shook her head. "Wrong on both accounts. One, they're not new, and two, they're not my friends. They're a part of me. Lumina is my light counterpart, while Midnight is my dark. They are capable of inflicting pain, and have personalities of their own. During the day, they usually stay in my head and talk to me there. However, when nobody's around at night, they have the chance to stretch their legs."

Cassie seemed confused. "Ok... So if you have counterparts, what are you?"

"I'm the real deal. I'm the main person. If I die, so do the others. And, that's never going to happen. You asked what I was. I'm actually the last Cardinal Goddess, which means I simply cannot die. A little perk", Evangelina smirked. She turned on her cell phone. "Wow, is it that late already? How quickly time flies by, huh? You'll want to leave soon. They're coming."

At those words, Cassie quickly fled. The last thing she wanted was to be revealed communicating with the 'enemy'.

Minutes later, the ninjas arrived, with more people. Now, the strike force was made up with the two Grandmasters, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, and Sonya Blade. There was Evangelina, sitting under the tree, once more listening to music, with the music flowing out of a mini speaker. Her forms were no longer visible. Johnny smirked. "I don't know what you were so scared about. She's practically vulnerable right now!"

Not wasting any time and ignoring the others' protests, he leaped out of the undergrowth and threw a green energy ball. Evangelina leaned to the side, slid close to him and rolled into a ball. She stopped under him, so she was laying on her back. She then abruptly raised her hand, so she struck her palm right in the actor's crown jewels, stealing his signature move.


The hidden people winced. It was hard enough to witness Johnny's nutcracker, but this was a new level of hurt.

"Should we....?", Kenshi began.

"No, I want to see this.", Sonya said. She was actually enjoying this.

Evie clambered out as Johnny was recovering from the sudden pain, and kneed him in the face. Head snapping back, Johnny panicked, and started to throw erratic green energy balls everywhere. Luckily, he was able to finally hit the dodging Evangelina, flinging her back so she hit her back against a tree.

Getting up quickly, she narrowed her eyes at the actor, and started to morph. Her mouth elongated into a muzzle. Ears protruded from the top of her head, and she grew a tail and four legs. The claws on her left hand now appeared in all of her paws. She was encased in Starmetal, and had the form of a direwolf. She was now transformed as her namesake.

Snarling like a feral beast, she flung herself at him.

The others had the sense to now defend their comrade. Leaping into action, Kenshi tried to stop the flying animal with his telekinesis, but he was not able to penetrate her mind. It had something to do with the metal, he realized. Meanwhile, Sonya threw a pink cloud of dust and fired at the beast. However, the direwolf was unfazed by the dust, and its hide protected itself from the bullets. Sub-Zero and Scorpion were more successful with their attacks. Sub-Zero was able to freeze the animal while Scorpion attacked with his twin blades. Jumping back from the attack, the direwolf growled an inhumane growl. The fivesome huddled together and got into a defensive fighting position.

Evangelina knew she wouldn't be able to defeat them all at the same time. So, she blended into the environment, now invisible.

Kenshi panicked. "I can't read her, guys! Keep your guard....!"

He was abruptly cut off as the concealed direwolf attacked, snapping his lower leg bone. Kenshi screamed in agony, and attempted to drive Sento into the wolf's head, but it jumped back, concealing itself once again. It continued to do this with the others, until everyone was unable to continue. One by one, they fell to the ground, exhausted and weak.

The direwolf morphed back into her human form. She, however, had a stoick face, betraying any sign of emotion. She shook her head in fake disappointment. "And here I thought there would be an actual attempt this time. Unfortunately, I was sadly mistaken. How many more people will I have to hurt to save the world?"

Sonya shot her head up. "Save the world? Raiden is already doing that, but you're hindering him!"

Johnny snapped. "That's not true! He's trying to join realms! Only bad guys do that!"

Soon, everybody was about to tear each other apart, until Evie intervened.

"Oh, shut the fuck up! You're making me sick, the way you're fighting amongst yourself! This is why you failed! I'm here to eliminate the existence of Mortal Kombat! No more fighting to resolve a problem that can be solved by having a reasonable conversation! I mean, really, what happened to normal human socialization and communication? Jesus Christ!!!"

She sighed. Leaning, she projected a white beam of light that healed the injured people.

She then whipped out her twin Glocks, and aimed at the fallen people for emphasis. "I want you to remember this moment. The moment where things could have gone, and how things really went. Send another person, and I can promise you that they'll never see the light of day ever again. Remember this."

She then put her guns back in their holsters and conjured a portal under the fighters, so that they fell into their own bedrooms.

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