Chapter 6 - Snake and Scoundrel

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Day Two

Evie's POV

I'm not the kind if person to fall asleep. Anytime.

It gets very tedious, but I always manage to find something to do when I get bored. I spent the entirety of the night practicing for my matches the next day.


Nobody POV

"And now, the DD versus Reptile!"

The Sauiran leaped into the arena while Evie strolled calmly to the center. There was no point in holding back. They already knew.

"You can not hope to defeat me!", Reptile said.

"I beg to differ," Evie said. She was not wearing her cowl or mask, as her mask had been destroyed last night. This, of course, shocked the crowd when she first walked in.


Howling, Reptile launched himself at the woman, extending his claws, only to have them bounce off her arm guards that Evie had raised lazily. She grinned a wild grin, something you would expect to see on a child's face when they had entered a candy shop.

"My turn."

She extended the twin arm blades of her suit that were found on the tops of her lower arms, and caught Reptile, impaling both hips. He howled in pain. She used this to kick him away from her, and rushed at him before he could recover. She conducted her X-Ray.

First, she threw her right whip so that it impaled him in the right lung. The whip rebounded (due to telekinesis) and impaled the left lung, so that the whip formed a 'u' shape. She grabbed the end of the whip and yanked it, causing Reptile to launch himself so that her booted foot hit his gut, breaking his ribcage. Now, laying on the ground, Evie drew her sword and drove it into the bone that connected the skull to the spine.

And, this was all it took to win the fight. The sword, Archangel (one side of the blade was dark, the other light), decapitated Evie's opponent, and Luna was there to eat the head.


Reptile spawned in the healing zone, and left spitting curses at Evangelina, who simply responded with flipping him the bird.

This got a cheer of approval from both Johnny Cage and his daughter. They were silenced by glares.


"Our next match, DD versus Kano!"

Kano smirked at the woman opposite him. "Love the new look." He was eyeing her like a piece of candy. "What you say you surrender now and I'll show you a good time."

She smiled a smile that never reached her eyes. "I doubt anyone would want a piece of that."

Kano narrowed his eyes to slits.


He threw one of his butterfly knives at the intended target, but it never hit her. He feinted with a low jab, and then threw another knife. The feint worked, but victory was short lived when after the knife was buried in Evie's leg, she calmly pulled it out in one, swift motion.

"I heal, remember, dumbass?", she said, silently taunting him by throwing his knife up into the air and catching it repeatedly.

Frustrated and angry, he curled into a ball and launched himself at her. She blocked it with her arms, so that he didn't hurt her at all. She then grabbed him by the jaw when he stopped spinning, and twisted it hard enough so that she tore it off his face. His jaw was dangling by a few strands of flesh. She smiled.

"My weapons are all made of starmetal, a metal that is able to kill immortal beings." She showed how Archangel shone in the sunlight.  "My arm blades, whips, and even my knives are made of this material." She grinned wider. "Including this."

She drew out twin Glocks and fired them once, so that it hit Kano's kneecaps. The bullets glittered in the sun. He screamed in agony, as she approached him. She then leaned close to him and whispered in his ear, "This is the part where you scream for me, baby."

She then used her telepathic powers to crumble his sanity to a point where his brain simply exploded. He fell to the ground, blood oozing out his ears, nose, eyes, and mouth, cries finally silenced.


Once the leader of the Black Dragon had been revived, he headed towards the arena, intending to drive a knife through her ribcage. However, once he arrived, she had already disappeared.

Leaving a stunned crowd to dwell on what the fuck had just happened.

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