1. Who Are They?

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"I have never been in a bar before. That's my secret." I say, looking around the table as my college buddies look at me, baffled.

I wait for the silence to go away as they look at each other in shock. I wait as some even look like they don't believe me. What's so hard to believe that I've never been in one, and I don't want to go to one either.

"What's wrong with you? When I turned eighteen my birthday party was in a bar." Kelly, one of my friends said proudly.

"Yes, but I'm not you. Bars just...scare me. I don't like them and never plan on going to one."

"Why? Why don't you like them?" Jack asked as he raised his eyebrows, everyone leaning in the seat as they wanted to hear my answer.

"Because, I've read to many stories of people getting kidnapped or getting raped or having a criminal inside the bar with you. You get drunk there too, I don't want to say or do something that I wouldn't typically do. What if I get pregnant! I'm only twenty three! I just can't, and all this stuff happens! Where!? At a bar!" I say frantically and rub my fingers on my temples. I usually do that when I'm stressed or angry.

"Uh, not to burst your bubble, but, that is unlikely that of all thirty nine million people in California, you'd get robbed, raped, pregnant, or have a criminal raid the bar. I mean, come on." Shayla insisted and I shook my head, I don't care about the statistics. It's just what could happen that scares me the most. What could happen?

"We are going to a bar - tonight - and you can't say no!" They all said out of nowhere, and I could tell my fear came across my face as they started laughing.

But I don't get what's so funny. I have a phobia of dying. In a bar. And I don't know why! I know, almost everyone is afraid of dying - I think - but it's just something about bars and deaths. I think because of all the news I read on bars and their backgrounds.

Some our rustic and allow fights. There are the stripe club kinds where you drink and can do all these nasty things with the stripper. Can even carry it on up to a little room, I mean, like what? There's the ones where you dance and just have a flat out good time, then you wake up with a hangover on the dance floor while people puke their guts out. Or, the rich type of bars. We're actually near one right now, across the street.

I wouldn't mind going to the luxurious ones, I think it's because there'll be security that worry for your overall safety. I'm not trying to say other bars aren't like that, but the security is kinda bad.

Like example, a teen died going into a bar and having his head bashed into a counter over some chick. Here's my question, how'd he get in there? Oh, I don't know, the security did! They always look at your drivers license and some people know how to forge them very well. But the guard could've still had a scanner or something!

"Fine. I will go if it's that one?" I nod towards the luxury bar I saw and they snicker.

"Not to rain down on your parade, but there are some high class people in there. It's almost impossible to get in without security thinking we want to rob the rich since we are the poor. I'm not in the mood to get a black eye."

"Well, I guess the bar is out of the question. I will go in that one, but if not, then no bar at all." I shrug as I'm not kidding and they let out an annoyed sigh.

"Fine, but we're going now. Maybe less people will be there, it's only six." As we all stood I started to feel this weird pull on my legs towards the bar. I hate bars, but maybe this one is different. It has to be.

As we head over there the difference in cars became uncanny, just proving how rich some people are. I even saw a Lamborghini, that car is no joke.

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