dream sequence | forty-six

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The fog around me continued to descend down the side of the cliff, its remanence wrapping snuggly around the trunk of the mother tree as if to anchor itself. Small rocks and dirt tumbled down the ridge as I took a step away from the edge. What was I doing here?

The wind picked up gradually, the large tree I stood by creaked and moaned as its branches swayed from side to side. My attention was stolen by another sound, one I had heard so many times before.

Leaves crunched under heavy steps, something large moving through the dark forest below me. The sound echoed up with the wind and surrounded me in a fear I hoped to let go of. Through the fog I could see him. My shadow that loomed in the murky depths of the forest. But he made no move to come closer, just always watching.

I shifted my gaze away from him, combing my eyes over the massive tree. There must have been a way, a reason as to why I was here now. Something I was meant to do. I turned my chin up toward the sky, looking through the rotted branches and peeling bark to see something I never imagined to in a places like this.

One single pink flower bud. The lush green leaf attached called for me to come closer.


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