dream sequence | twelve

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Invisible sets of hands pulled at the fabric of my shirt as I took another step forward. I flinched away when ice-cold fingertips grazed my cheek while gravel crunched under my feet, my body continuing to heave itself forward.

I walked a desolate road, the dark forest I knew all too well lined either side. I had no choice but to continue on the path because I refused to confront the shadows that I knew were lurking just beyond the tree line. I could hear the fabric of my shirt tearing as a strong hand tried to keep me from moving any further.

Even then I couldn't suppress the feeling that compelled me to take another step, but as a different hand pulled at my arm I knew I had to escape. My gaze turned to the right and my heart rate quickened as I watched my shadow step out from the trees and into view. It hovered in its spot for a moment before it moved forward and instantly disappeared.

My body, though tired, continued on, fighting against the hands that ripped at my clothing and scratched my skin. I had never felt like this – like I had the power to control the outcome of this nightmare and as I took yet another step I could feel the hands start to slip away.

"Don't go," The wind whispered as it blew by me in a harsh gust.

The cold air whipped at my cheeks, but I refused to listen to its taunting voice. I could do this. I could push through if I just continued on this path. I only made it a few more feet down the road that never seemed to end when I noticed that a part of the darkness that surrounded me began to move. I yelped in surprise and stumbled backward as my shadow darted into the road, blocking the path entirely.

His arms stretched out wide as his deep voice invaded the air. "Don't go."

I could feel those same hands from before creep back around my arms, but this time they were visible. Shadowed hands, much like my own, held me tightly in place as my shadow laughed. I struggled to break free, flailing my arms in the air as I tried to take another step, but a hand gripped my ankle and pulled it back. I lost my balance, falling to the ground instantly. I took shallow breaths as the tiny rocks dug into my knees and the scratches on the palms of my hands started to bleed.


I froze, my heart stopping completely for a second before it came back at full force. My hands bawled into fists as I bowed my head and allowed the hands to lift me up until I was resting back on my knees. A shaky breath left my lips as I stared up at my shadow helplessly.

He was nothing but a black mass, the shape of the human he once was only a faded outline underneath. He was only able to take form when he fed off all my fears and anxieties. If I couldn't defeat them then I'd never be able to rid my dreams of him. His laugh shook me to the bone and I dropped my gaze to the ground as a hand forced me backwards until I was lying on my back staring up at the black sky.

My eyelids fluttered in terror as my shadow hovered over me.

"Stay," He whispered as he enveloped me in darkness.


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