7: First day of High school!

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Later on in the club with everyone
Everyone's having a good time, playing never have I ever with alcohol, laughing and eating. Teë had never felt so happy in her life, it's like she felt like she belonged here, she felt like this was her home. She didn't feel at home as much as this when she was with Dr Smith. Trey and Xavier's phones ring at the same time, they check them and see it's a conference call with their mother. They decide to take the call privately.
Phone conversation (Xavier,Trey and Queen Alexandra)
T&X: Hello mother.
Queen: Boys, I've seen where you guys are. Really you decided to go on a cruise ship without my permission! I know you guys are adults but I am still your mother no matter what and I don't appreciate you leaving without my consent, understood?
T&X: *sighs deeply* Yes.
Queen: Anyways that's not the only reason why I called you. I wanted to talk to you guys in person, but since that will be hours I'll just tell you guys now.
Trey: What is it?
Queen: Well, since you both are 18 and haven't got that much education especially Trey because you have been the hero for so long. So instead you are both going to high school to do 2 semesters of senior year.
T&X: W-What?!
Xavier: Mom, that's not fair I can read and write. I haven't been involved in the hero life so why do I have to enrol?
Queen: Because I want my boys to be experienced in at least something so if anything ever happened to our monarchy, and you had to live normal lives, it will be possible because you will be qualified.
Trey: I doubt that will happen, mom. But do we really have to? We will have no friends to go with us. Plus mom, I'm part of the universal freedom fighters team, heck I'm the male leader so how am I supposed to live a double life?
Queen: I knew you were going to say that excuse, that's why all of your friends are enrolling as well. It's an order for all of you and the freedom fighters. I also thought the freedom fighters should have an education only if they are 18 and under, instead of risking your life fighting evil villains. I want you guys to try and have a normal life, for six months then if you complete senior year and get enough credits to graduate, then you can do whatever you want, but for now this is a necessary order.
Xavier: *mumbles under breath* more like an unnecessary evil.
Trey: *laughs*
Queen: What did you just say Xavier? Talk like that to me again and I will make you join every single club at that high school, you understand?
Xavier: Whatever.
Trey: Come on Xavier, maybe it won't be so bad.
Xavier: We've just become adults and NOW in all our life she could have made us, is when she wants to take control and put us in school?!
Trey: Anything else, mother?
Queen: Oh yeah, come back to the palace immediately. You have brought too much attention to yourselves via international television. Anyone can do anything bad to you, also you start high school tomorrow.
Trey: Do we have to? It's our bro day!
Xavier: Yeah plus this IS our last day of freedom?!
Queen: I said immediately! I want to see you within 3 hours and if you don't I'll send an army to come collect you by force, don't make me repeat myself. *hangs up*
Trey: W-wait mom! Ugh she hung up.
End of phone conversation
Xavier: Wow...How things can change in the matter of 10 minutes.
Trey: *chuckles* Well then...Lets go tell the others.
Back in the club
Sophia: Well you guys took long.
Amethyst: Who was on the phone?
Trey: Our mother.
Melanie: What was it about?
Teë: It probably doesn't concern us, since they had to go outside to take the call. *drinks tequila*
Crystal: anyways if it doesn't have anything to do with us, we don't need to know.
Xavier: Heh heh, it has everything to do with you guys.
Teë and Melanie are still drinking her tequila, not paying attention.
Trey: Want us to sugar coat it or just rip off the band aid?
Amethyst: Yank it off.
Xavier: Well we are going to high school starting tomorrow and so are you guys.
Teë chokes on her tequila and Melanie spits it on Sophia. Sophia groans and wipes her face covered in tequila.
Sophia: Gee thanks. *wipes off face*
Melanie: heh, s-sorry. Wait hold up...HIGH SCHOOL?!
Teë: I don't need to go to some pathetic high school with stupid boys who get excited over soccer and lacrosse games and girls who are obsessed with their looks and the cheerleading team, uh no thank you.
Xavier: It's actually an order from our mother.
Crystal: Is Miles going to high school?
Trey: Depends, cause he's smart after all so he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to.
Crystal: Damn it.
Amethyst: Come on guys, it won't be that bad. Won't it be better to have more friends and to do something other than saving the universe? Plus it's a good experience.
Sophia: I don't have to go. *smirks*
T&M&C: H-Huh why not?
Xavier: Cause she's over 18, her high school days are over. But mother said you are a freedom fighter and you never went high school.
Teë: This is going to suck.
Trey: No kidding.
Crystal: What time is it? Anyone?
Amethyst: *looks at watch* It's 2 o clock in the morning.
Crystal: Okay! *realises something* W-wait what time does high school start?
Trey: Like 8:30am. *drinks scotch and chokes* Oh God. It will take 3 hours to get off this yacht and mother said we have to be their within 3 hours.
Xavier: I bet she was joking, she won't actually send an army for us. *chuckles nervously* right?
Trey: Remember when she said to Dad, if he didn't do something, she would make him sleep outside with the dogs.
Xavier: Yeah?
Trey: He actually slept outside, that's where he got the scar on his arm, from the dogs bite.
Xavier: Okay lets go now!
Melanie: How are we supposed to be in the capital within 3 hours?
Crystal: I got an idea! I'll call Miles and he can bring the X-Tornado!
Melanie: Are you sure?
Crystal: Why not?
Sophia: Sweetie, its 2am in the morning.
Crystal: Oh...Well he said he loves me and that he would do anything for me so he can do this.
Xavier: You girls manipulate us men.
Trey: Yeah!
Teë: Just call him Crystal.
Crystal: Alright. *calls Miles*
Phone conversation
Miles: H-hello? *yawn*
Crystal: Hey baby.
Miles: Hey princess.
Crystal: What are you up to? *looks at the others*
Miles: Well I was sleeping, is there anything wrong?
Crystal: No...I just missed you.
Miles: Crystal you know how much I love you, but couldn't you tell me that at 8am. You know I'm grouchy when I don't get my sleep.
Crystal: Well...I just wanted to hear your soft, husky voice.
Miles: What do you want already?
Crystal: What makes you think I want something?
Miles: You used husky and soft in the same sentence. Husky is linked with rough, you won't put the opposite of a word in the same sentence. It's like me saying Happy sad birthday. Plus you never say husky.
Crystal: Fine...I...Well we need your help.
Miles: With?
Crystal: Can you pick us up from the Aquarius yacht with the x-tornado, it's still in the middle of the ocean and we don't get to a stop till 5 o clock in the morning.
Miles: Why?
Crystal: We all have school tomorrow.
Miles: *sits up and switches on lamp* Says who?
Crystal: Her Royal Highness of Oceania.
Miles: *sigh* What's the longitude and the latitude of your coordinates?
Crystal: Well...*checks tracker* Latitude is 532, 783 and the Longitude is 443,284.
Miles: Alright, do I have to go to school though?
Crystal: Trey and Xavier say you don't have to cause you are very smart already. The Queen said if you want to.
Miles: Sure I will. How many people are with you.
Crystal: Six people.
Miles: I'll be there within the hour.
Crystal: Okay.
Miles: And Crystal?
Crystal: Yeah?
Miles: You owe me.
Crystal: Anything.
Miles: Anyways just watch when you get back.
Crystal: *blushes hard* Uhm...I know what your thinking.
Miles: *chuckles* See you later, princess.
Crystal: Bye baby. *giggles* *hangs up*
End of phone conversation
Time skip to school
Teë's POV
All of us met at our new high school Chaos High. It was so weird, none of us had ever went to school before. Miles was always there to teach us the basic knowledge we needed to know so we could read, write and do maths which I obviously don't remember a bit of, but I never knew that Queen Alexandra would make us go to school. We all walked in together and everyone bowed for Trey, Xavier and Sally. Of course they hated when people bowed for them, they wanted to be normal. Everyone was looking at all of us not only Sally, Trey and Xavier but Melanie, Crystal, Sophia, Amethyst and I. They probably saw on TV us singing on the Aquarius. Trey had to put his arm around Sally because they are still technically engaged and I could tell he wasn't enjoying it by the glares he gave her. I was kinda jealous that Trey was doing that to her, but who cares, he's not mine anyways and never will be, so I might as well try to move on with someone else, it might be hard but I can do it. The bell rang meaning we all had to go to our classes.
Crystal: Guys what class do you have now?
Teë: Music.
Trey: Arghhhh...AP History.
Miles: I have AP History too, let's go Trey we'll be late if we don't leave now.
Trey: Alright chill man. See you guys at break. *walks away with Miles*
Sophia: *looks at schedule* I have geography.
Jason: Me too, let's go *grabs her hand*
Sophia: See ya guys later. *blows kisses and walks away*
Sally: I have gym.
Xavier: Music, so I'll be with Teë.
Amethyst: So do I and Theo does to, let's all go.
Xavier, Teë, Amethyst and Theo leave the gang to their music class.
Nigél: I have gym too, let's go Sally.
Crystal: I have gym as well, so I'm coming.
In Music
Miss Musa: Hello class, we have some new students today. Prince Xavier of Oce--
Xavier: Xavier is fine. Xavier Blues.
Miss Musa: Okay Xavier, Tatiana, Amethyst and Theo. Please make them feel welcome as they have just joined in the middle of senior year. Xavier take a seat next to Caleb, Tatiana sit next to Stephen. Amethyst sit next to Cosmo and Theo you can sit with Fiona.
Teë: Miss...
Miss Musa: Miss Musa.
Teë: Miss Musa, Teë is fine.
Miss Musa: Okay Teë, I'll use it in future.
Teë: Thank you. *smiles*
They all sit in their seats. All the girls swoon over Theo and Xavier. They are giggling and whispering. Amethyst and I on the other hand just want to get this class over and done with.
Miss Musa: Today, you guys are going to do a project.
Madison: I'm partners with Xavier!
Miss Musa: Everyone can pick their groups.
Xavier: *puts hand up* Miss?
Miss Musa: Yes Xavier.
Xavier: What's the project about?
Miss Musa: You will be writing a song with composed music. You can be partners and do a duet or you can be in a group. If you are in a group, maximum people are 5. Good luck students!
Madison: *taps Xavier* Hey Xavier!
Xavier: *turns around* Uh, hi...
Madison: I'm Madison, and I was wondering if you wanted to do a duet with me.
Amethyst: *pulls Xavier* Actually he's with us, right Xavier?
Xavier: Uh...Yeah I'm in their group.
Madison: Oh really, who's in your group then? *hands on her hips*
Xavier: *sweat drops* Uh...*gulps* Well me, Amethyst, Teë, Theo and Caleb.
Amethyst: Need anymore clarifications? (sarcasm)
Madison: Ugh whatever. *walks away*
Xavier: Thanks for saving me.
Amethyst: No problem, anytime! Let's go tell the others.
Xavier: Okay, this is gonna rock!
In gym
Mr Vector: Today we are playing dodgeball, whoever gets hit by the ball is out. *blows whistle*
Everyone runs for the balls and starts throwing them at each other. Hannah throws a ball at Crystal, she doesn't see it coming for her.
Nigél: Crystal! Watch out!
Crystal: Huh? *looks at ball* I don't think so. *catches ball* You're out honey boo boo *winks*
Hannah: Ugh...*walks off*
Sally: Way to go, Crystal!
Crystal: Thanks, let's go kick their butt *high fives Sally*
Sally: Yeah!
Nigél throws a ball at Noah and he gets hit.
Nigél: Noah, your out!
Noah: Whatever, I'll get you back! *smirks*
Nigél: Like to see you try!
Sally: *throws ball at Jaden* Oops your out!
Jaden: *playfully glares at Sally then smirks* Nice shot, princess!
Sally: Thanks! *smiles*(I could get used to this...)
Time skip to lunch
Teë's POV
Today was actually quite cool, I met some girls who were extremely nice, not sure if I should be worried about it, but it was actually nice to talk to other people rather than the same people all the time. Someone to know me for the person I am now and who I want to be. Some girl called Madison wanted me to try out for the cheerleading team, but I'm not so sure if I would want to do it. The others seem to be doing fine, I guess. Now it's lunch and we're all eating together in the cafeteria.
Sophia: How has your day been?
Miles: Better than expected. I met some guys in AP History part of the decathlon team. Andrew and Lucas.
Trey: It was cool, I met the Co-captains of the lacrosse team. Chad and Zack.
Xavier: My day was awesome, I talked to some guitar dudes and I talked to Chad, he said I should try out for the lacrosse team!
Nigél: Good, I met some dudes called Noah and Jaden in gym. They actually asked me to eat with them at lunch today, is it alright if I eat with them?
Theo: Don't sweat it, you can go.
Nigél: Thanks *walks away from table*
Theo: My day was good especially cooking class. I never knew I was so good at cooking. I met some nice guys in that class, Oscar and Tyrese. I was actually supposed to meet them for lunch in the kitchen for our project, we're having food in there, so see ya guys later?
Melanie: Sure.
Theo: Cool *kisses Melanie's cheek* *walks away*
Amethyst: Who else wants to go away from this table?
Everyone puts their hands up and runs away. Teë hangs out with the popular girls and cheerleading squad. Trey hangs out with the captains of the lacrosse team and the popular boys. Xavier hangs out with skateboard and music dudes. Miles hangs out with the decathlon team. Crystal hangs out with the environment protector gang with Cosmo. Sally hangs out with fashionista group with Sophia. Amethyst hangs out with the debate team. Theo hangs out with cooking people. Nigél hangs out with the basketball team with Jason. Melanie hangs out with the girl soccer team.
Time skip to end of the day
Teë: Hey Xavier!
Xavier: Talk to you later Samuel! *turns to Teë* Hey, what's up?
Teë: Lets rehearse for our project, the others are already in the music room.
Xavier: I kinda have lacrosse try outs in about *looks at watch* 2 minutes. Can we reschedule?
Teë: Oh my God!
Xavier: Teë I'm s--
Teë: No not that, I have cheer leading try outs in about 2 minutes too! I completely spaced! I'll text the others for a rain check.
Xavier: Let's go! *grabs her hand and runs*
Teë: Okay!
With the others in the auditorium
Amethyst: *looks down at phone* Guys, Teë and Xavier can't make it.
Theo: What why?!
Amethyst: Xavier says he has lacrosse try outs and Teë has cheerleading try outs as well.
Caleb: I kinda have somewhere to be, I was just coming to tell you guys. I have band practice and rugby practice. Can I take a rain check?
Amethyst: Go on!
Caleb: Thanks. *runs out of auditorium*
Amethyst: Should we start writing our s--
Theo: I kinda have a project to do for cooking class, I was supposed to meet them 5 minutes ago.
Amethyst: Just go, I have debate club.
Theo: Cool later! *picks up bag and runs out*
At cheerleading practice
Madison: Uh...Your technique was lacking and plus you are not...*looks at her up and down* cheer leader material.
Stacy: I messed up, can I please try ag--
Madison: NEXT!
Stacy cries and runs away from the tracking field. Teë is next and walks in front of them.
Madison: Hey Teë! Show us what you got!
Teë: Uhh...What am I supposed to do?
Madison: Dance, flips, that kinda stuff.
Teë: Oh I'll guess I'll try...
Teë starts dancing to the song 'Touch' by little mix. She dances and does flips everywhere. She does the splits to finish. The lacrosse team whistle at her and cheer. Everyone cheers for her including Madison.
Teë: So how did I do?
Madison: You're in! Welcome to the team, girl!
Teë: Thank you Madison, when's cheer practice?
Madison: It's from 4:30-5:30 everyday after school except Fridays. Here's your uniform, *hands it to Teë* Make sure you wear this everyday, or you can change into it before practice. Oh yeah I almost forgot! The Pom poms *hands them to Teë* See ya tomorrow, bestie!
Teë: *giggles* Bye girl! (Wow when did I say girl? Oh well)
Xavier meets up with Teë after his lacrosse try outs, he's officially on the team and is playing front line on Friday. Also Trey gets into the basketball team with Jason and lacrosse team. Everyone has joined a club or team. Xavier and Teë walk out of school.
Xavier: Hey Teë! You were great today. Your try outs rocked, everyone on the lacrosse team were drooling whilst watching you.
Teë: Wow really? Thanks! You were great on your try outs too, hope your playing front line!
Xavier: Yeah I am playing front line, the captain says they need me. You'll be cheering for me, right?
Teë: Of course, always. *looks around* Don't you have to go home though?
Xavier: Yeah...But what's the rush. I wanna hang out with you, wanna get coffee?
Teë: Sure! Let's go. *grabs his hand and runs*
Xavier: Slow down! *chuckles*
Trey is hanging out with the basketball team with Jason at the diner where Teë and Xavier just ran into. Trey sees Xavier and Teë holding hands and laughing.
Trey: Guys, I'm gonna go get a chilli dog.
Chad: Cool bro, don't leave us hanging though! *chuckles*
Trey: Yeah yeah don't worry! *fist bumps Chad* *walks towards Teë and Xavier* Hey guys!
Teë: *laughs hysterically and turns around* Oh hi Trey!
Xavier: Hey bro, what's up?
Trey: Just wanted to see what you guys were up to.
Teë: Xavier and I are getting coffee then we're gonna hang out at this place called The Grill around emerald lane.
Xavier: Yeah it's so cool like ice! If you get it Teë!
Teë: *laughs* Shhh you can't be saying t-those stuff.
Trey: What stuff?
Teë: It's an inside joke that Xavier and I have. Only we would get it.
Xavier whispers something in Teë's ear and bites it. Teë laughs uncontrollably until the extent that she can't breathe. Trey laughs with them but they stop laughing and look at Trey.
Teë: Do you even get it?
Trey: Yeah, cool like ice because ice is cold, right?
Teë: Nooo, you don't get it. It's linked with something that happened today. Plus we weren't even talking about that, we were talking about something else.
Trey: Which is?
Xavier: None of your business.
Teë: Yeah!
Barrister: Xavier and Teë, your coffees are done!
Xavier: *grabs both coffees and gives one to Teë* Thanks! Anyways we better get going, Teë. See you later bro!
Teë: Lates! *holds Xavier's hand*
Trey: Wait guys!
Teë: Arghhh *turns around* What?
Trey: Can I come with?
X&T: Uhh...
Teë: It's actually just supposed to be me and Xavier.
Trey: W-wait, is it like a date?
Xavier: What?! Noooo that's silly bro, why on earth would you think that?
Trey: Cause you're holding hands. *looks down at their hands*
Xavier: Oh yeah *lets go of her hand* Sorry.
Teë: Why are you saying sorry? I'm the one who held your hand and plus there's nothing to say sorry about, it was just being friendly. So *holds his hand* I'm holding your hand because you are one of my best friends. *smiles at him*
Xavier: Y-yeah, of course!
Trey: I thought I was your best friend.
Teë: You are...But there's no law saying that I can't have more than one is there. Plus you're not my only best friend, there's Amethyst, Crystal, Mel, Soph, Nigél, Miles, Theo, Jason, You and Xavier.
Trey: I just thought I was your only boy best friend.
Teë: Well...You're not. Get over it. Anywho we are going now so lates. *pulls Xavier*
Xavier: See you at home bro!
Trey: Yeah, whatever...
They both walk out of the diner while holding hands. Trey gets jealous and starts walking back to the others.
Trey: *mimics and mumbles* It's an inside joke that me and Xavier have. Only we would get it. *rolls eyes* Ugh...*walks back to others*
With Teë and Xavier at the Grill
Teë: So how was high school for you today?
Xavier: It was unreal! I never thought I would even have fun, but I had so much fun. How about you?
Teë: Well...The work is a bit hard, but I think I can manage it, but apart from that everything seems to actually be going quite well. Anyways...Any crushes on girls yet? *smirks*
Xavier: Uhm...*blushes* N-no!
Teë: Then why are you blushing! *winks*
Xavier: Because I feel hot...Yeah let's go with that! *laughs*
Teë: You're so silly! *laughs* *sips coffee*
Xavier: How about you? *smirks*
Teë: *chokes on coffee* *blushes* U-uh...The guy I used to like was Trey, but he never felt the same way about me, he never told me he loved me or that he wanted to be more than friends so I just left things how they were and now I'm starting to move on...I think high school will be a great place for that. (yeah I have defo not moved on, it's like he will never leave my heart, he's like a tattoo that I can't remove!)
Xavier: Wow...Well when you "died" he went through a rough time. He cried every day, he stayed up in his room for 3 months in depression. He would have insomnia, it was a harsh time for us all, but I think it affected him the most out of all of us. That's why he sort of started dating Sally cause he wanted to get over you, but when you came back. He just couldn't deny his feelings for you. Don't tell him I told you though otherwise he will kill me!
Teë: Don't sorry I won't!
Xavier: I'll tell you my crush, but only if you promise not to say anything to anyone, promise?
Teë: cross my heart!
Xavier: It's Sally.
Teë: What. She's such a bitch though, how can you like someone like her?
Xavier: She wasn't and isn't always like that, it's all an act. If you got to know her, she would be the most nicest girl ever!
Teë: *laughs bitterly* Really?
Xavier: Forget it, I should have never told you...
Teë: No...*sigh* Look Xavier, I'm sorry. It's just that Sally and I don't have the best relationship in the world so that's why I found it hard to believe, but if you love her then you have every right to and I have no right to judge you based on your feelings for a girl *mumbles* that I kinda hate.
Xavier: It's alright I knew you didn't mean it.
Teë: Anyway, change of subject! We need to write a song for Music class.
Xavier: When's the project due? *sips coffee*
Teë: On Friday.
Xavier: *coughs* So we only have like 4 days to write a song plus compose music for it.
Teë: I guess so. How about everyday for this week up to Thursday at 5:30-7:30
Xavier: That's possible for me, since I finish lacrosse practice at about 5:30.
Teë: Cool, its set then I'll text the others about it. *texts the others*
Xavier: Hey Teë!
Teë: That's my name.
Xavier: This is a general question, do you think we are all gonna separate?
Teë: *looks up* What do you mean?
Xavier: Like since we are all hanging out with different people, don't you think it will change our personalities, or it will change us? Like we are all so used of being together so if we split up, what if it meant an end to all of us, not just me but you guys. The Freedom Fighters.
Teë: Wow...I never really thought of it like that. But I'm not in the Freedom Fighters anyway so it doesn't affect me...Right? Plus we would always have each other anyway so why would it affect us?
Xavier: Maybe you're right, forget that question it was stupid. But technically you are still in the Freedom Fighters.
Teë: How?
Xavier: Well...Just because you "died" doesn't mean that you were out of the gang. Once a freedom fighter, always a freedom fighter.
Teë; I guess you're right. I am one, but all that changed with Dr Smith, so I'm actually part of his empire. *looks at phone* It's getting late, we should be getting home.
Xavier: Yeah we have school tomorrow. I'll call my driver to pick us up and he can drop you at his house.
Teë: Xavier, you don't have to do th--
Xavier: Well tough! I am. *smiles*
Teë: Thanks, y'know I really had fun today...With you.
Xavier: Yeah me too, we've never done this before.
Teë: We should do it more often, it keeps us close.
Xavier: Yeah!
Afterwards the driver came and picked me and Xavier up from the grill. They dropped me back at my house, I thanked Xavier and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I skipped to my front door and got ready for bed. Next day of high school tomorrow, wow...I jumped into my soft pink and blue covers. I stared at a picture that I had never recognised before, it was of me and Trey and it looked like we were younger in this picture. I was hugging him, wow I really did know him. Getting caught up in my thoughts, I eventually was covered in complete darkness, what I didn't realise is that my dark blue emerald was glowing brightly while I was asleep...
End of Chapter 7

Sonamy: ReviveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora