1. The awakening of Tatiana Rosetta Prosana.

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Today marks 5 years since the fall of Teë Rosa. She died heroically for her friends especially for the person she loved most in the world, Trey Blues. By accepting to join an alliance with the evil Doctor Smith. 2 years after her alliance with Doctor Smith he spiritually embedded a real chaos emerald in her heart. He uses a shell to weaken her when she disobeys him and worst of all she ended up losing her memory! Afterwards he told her, that her name was Princess and the robots became her "friends" and said that Trey Blues was the one to blame for her memory loss and everything bad that had happened to her. Believing this, she began to get a thirst for anger and vengeance. The doctor trained her with her indestructible hammer. They travelled to many planets and took over them, now they come back to the planet Oceania to claim the final planet in the galaxy. She's finally returning home but she doesn't realise that yet. The doctor puts her in her actual house, but she doesn't remember. She has rings that have magical abilities and a chaos emerald crown that was given to her when she was young, but little does she know what's about to happen to her will change her life forever!
On the planet of Oceania, Teë explores her old neighbourhood confused of where she might be, she walks into the woods and explores the markets and parks. Meanwhile Trey and Miles are walking into the same direction of where Teë is. Trey sees her and recognises her as she is arguing with somebody. Just like the girl 5 years ago who was only 13 years old.
Trey: Hey Miles, I swear she looks exactly like Teë, same attitude, same smile, same face and her presence feels warm. Everything about this girl feels the s-
Miles: wait, hold up I thought you thought she's dead.
Trey: I didn't say that...
Miles: Oh... Heh never mind then
Miles tries to walk away when Trey grabs his arm and twists it aiming to dislocate it.
Trey: You have ten seconds to tell me what you are lying about or else I will give you a dislocated arm...AGAIN!
Miles: Fine fine, Sally lied about Teë being dead she's still alive, she just sided with Doctor Smith and that he embedded a chaos emerald in her heart and also that caused her to lose her memory. Well apparently that's what Sally said anyways.
Trey: Why would she lie about something as big as th-
Miles:Because she didn't want you to feel pain, she said she thought you couldn't handle it and you were becoming a prince who has his duties.
Trey finally lets go of Mile's arm after he told him the whole truth about Teë.
Miles: (yeah yeah, Teë was just a "friend" lol) Oww, that hurt.
Trey: Next time if you don't tell me the truth straight away, I'll pop your arm out of its socket, got it?
Miles: Okay, okay sorry bro.
Trey: I will forgive you if you can help me return her memory and get the chaos emerald out of her heart.
Miles: (I know I'm already forgiven, but he won't like the reason of how to cure Teë) Well Amethyst told me that there's only one cure.

Trey shakes Miles so much with excitement until he gets dizzy and tells him.
Trey: Tell me!
Teë: Hey guys, my name is Princess and I was wondering if you could help me with these bags so I can get back to my house if that's alright with you.

Trey stares at Teë as she speaks until Miles snaps him out of it
Miles: Yeah we can help you, Trey take some bags.
Teë: (TREY, isn't he the one who made me lose my memory and my past hmm maybe I will pretend to be clueless and see what type of person he truly is, then I will kill him) Thanks, what are your names?
Miles: Mine is Miles Prower. Nice to meet you (although we have already met)
Trey: The names Trey, Trey Blues
Miles: You mean Prince Trey Blues of Oceania Duke of the Equatorial realms.
Miles bows mockingly to Trey.
Trey: Really Miles, you had to tell her I was a prince I wanted to look normal, I hate how people see me as a "prince."
Miles: Sorry I couldn't help myself.
Miles laughs as Trey starts to approach him and start a fight.
Teë: Your a prince? Wow I never thought you could be one. You don't look fit for the role.
Tee and Miles laugh until Trey stares at Miles.
Trey: Heyy, what's that supposed to mean?
Tee smirks
Teë: Nothing, nothing at all.
Trey: Fine lets go (well that's Teë alright, she's even more annoying that before)
As they are walking Trey speaks to Miles in private for a very long time about Teë and what they should do about finding the cure.
Teë: Why are they taking so long? Are they talking about me or something? Ugh whatever I'll take all the food back to my house myself, hmph.
Teë walks away and goes to her house by herself while Miles and Trey are still talking they don't notice she's gone.
Trey: Go on, tell me then don't play with me!
Miles: Amethyst told me the cure since she's like 2000 years old and she's ancient.
Trey: Just tell me and stop waffling.
Miles: An act of true love.
Trey: Say what now? (How would that work she barely remembers me so how can she love someone or even me?)
Miles: You and Teë have to commit an act of true love towards each other and it must be mutual.
Trey: Mutual?! Miles she hardly remembers me. Well she used to be in love with me, but come on how can you not love this?
Trey looks at himself in the puddle reflection
Trey: Even if it meant me being gay I'd marry me.
Miles: You are way too vain. And yes it must be mutual, you know you still love her Trey. And I know your thinking that I'm in your head ,but I'm not. Your my best friend I know everything you do and when something's wrong.
Trey: (How did he know that, how's he in my head?!) Shut up, get out of my head! (I love her, by my reputation for girls isn't too good, I can't admit that I love her.) Why would you say that?
Miles: Trey, I could see it in your eyes when you were staring at her, plus you were wrecked when you thought Teë was dead.
Trey rolls his eyes as Miles figures out his feelings for Teë.
Trey: (Ugh, fair point) FINE I love her, but DO NOT TELL ANYONE, OTHERWISE I will rip those invisible propellers, tails, whatever off your butt.
Miles: Chillax I won't, Chaos you really do love her.
Trey: Yeah, I do... Wow I actually admitted it out loud for the first time.
Miles: Good, now all you need to do is know she has feelings for you and tell her or...
Trey: Or...
Miles smirks and grins at him
Miles: you know what I mean.
Trey: No I am not kissing her! Definitely not. (I could try, but I won't tell him that)
Miles: Yeah sure, do it now right now to her then if you're not scared.
Trey: Right now, right now.
Miles: Like now now.
Trey: Fine where is she. Teë!
End of Chapter 1, check out chapter 2

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